Monday, July 10, 2023



It seems like we, as humans, love the down side of things.. look for the bad side of things..   Some even wallow in it..

It is amazing how fast others believe bad things.. speak bad negative things.. pass on the negative.   Just leap to it like a magnet..

Work a little harder to find good in life.   Some times if you actually look for good, you will see good.  I have for over a year..  wasn’t that I was passing around bad… but I was doing nothing.  Then I started to smile more at strangers. Say something nice about someone. Actually felt good, even when it wasn’t returned..  I felt better. 

God knows there is enough bad.. Bad will find you…. so work harder to find good and pass it on to others..  Just a smile as you pass a stranger can do just a second or two of good.  Make that person’s day .....just for a minute and who knows, maybe a day.

So make up your mind to do good at least once a day.. and maybe add to it every other day… have at least 8 a day by the end of the week?   A smile,  a positive remark to someone..  after all what do we have to lose?   Just because the other is a downer, doesn’t mean you have to join it. Can’t make it any worse than it is now.


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