Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Loving my small town…

Loving my small town… 

As I watch on tv.. the downfall and deteriorate of our country.. I realize thankfully there is still quite a bit of old time American..  the basis, of decency in our town.. and the ones surrounding it. 

To see the heart breaking of destruction. Like in New York where the younger crowd who was promised a free game.. by a rapper..  went total off the deep end..  jumping on cars, jumping and kicking out windows of cars.. those who had nothing to do with their freebie..   Then show others kicking in doors..  harassing people on the sidewalk.    People who qualify for the name, in my book at least, as low life..  One’s who seem to think they are entitled to anything they desire.. or what ever the reason.  This was not a black situation.. as there were blacks AND whites..

In our area.. on Facebook page, with the name of the local town.. you see daily.. thank you notes to who ever did this or that..  One was a woman who was trying her best to control her 3 little ones in a restaurant, then asked for the check… to be told, that the 3 elderly ladies near by had paid her bill.  Told the waitress.. that they had been there, did that and for her to have a good day..

There was the girl on her way to work.  Who stopped by a coffee stand.. and the woman on the other side window, paid for her coffee… There was the woman who stopped by a broke down car…  who took the driver and kids to their home..  had let her call for a wrecker first. The wrecker was 45 minutes out.    There was a young boy being picked on at the beach and 3 teenagers came to his rescue…   And then there was the fire, that the parents and 3 kids out of the house with what they had one..  Red Cross put them up at a motel.. with in two days.. the donation that came in clothed the family.. Gave a groceries store  gift card…  and a go fund me account so they could find a house to rent.  . 

This is our town.. our area… and I am so grateful to live in a area that still loves their fellowman..   Don’t get me wrong.. we have a bumps, we have the negative people.. like most towns have.. but when the times get rough, the people gather to help..

As I think about the coming of the world.. and think … thankfully I won’t be around to see it here… I keep praying that my great grand kids get at least a slice of our life we have now..

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