Monday, September 16, 2024




September 16, 2024



Like the song Lee Greenwood  sangI'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.


Today’s  people don’t understand AMERICA like those of us over 65.

We studied in school..  civic and history… of our AMERICA  We lived at the end of the depression and during World War II, then on to the Korean War. And then Vietnam  a lot of our fellow classmates fought and did not come home..  But that was pretty well true of the wars of all our history. We are almost to the 250th year of our country.. still a baby compared to many other countries.. whose history goes back a thousand years.. 


When we say we are proud to be Americans,  it is because we know what it took to start this country..  how many died to get the land away from England..  so we could be free..  free to pray to whom we wanted to.. or to not pray at all. It was our decision.. not the government.. And that is what the Constitution was made for.. To have an understanding of what America was to be. Forever.

There are amendments put in to fine tune it.. to make it more applicable  Like giving women the right to vote. And a few others. .


Many have tried to say it isn’t any good any more.. It doesn’t apply to their way of life now… that it is too old…

It is not perfect,  But this piece of paper that our ancestors drew up… has served us well… for almost 250 years.

We have fought to keep it .. to protect our citizens.  There was the revolution, there was the Civil War that was not civil… there were those who tried to burn our federal buildings down..  

So those of us… cherish and want to protect our federal buildings because they represent our country…. The Capital disaster of January 9, 2021….  Hurt us..  sadden us,  broke our hearts, because what it presented.  Just like the Flag..  those of us.. over 65 and some those who fought overseas… honor that flag..  for some who fought, it was what kept them strong in war prisons.. There are those who made the American flag out of what ever they could, in those camps.. that raise the moral of fellow prisoners..  Some were beaten for doing such a thing…  OUR FLAG… MEANS LIFE IN OUR COUNTRY.. PRIDE IN OUR COUNTRY…  To see the younger generation burnt it.. burns holes in our very souls…  They just don’t understand.


They confuse Congress and the federal offices and personal with being AN AMERICAN…  Those representatives… are their own people… they are for sale to many rich people who want to trash out country or turn it to something they want, that is only good for the few.

THEY ARE NOT AMERCIA..  they are mere humans, who try to tell us they are for us….


American is the farmer in the mid west.. trying to get his crop to grow. His cattle to market, It is the mechanic who is trying to fix a car for an old lady who doesn’t have much more than her Social Security check,

The person who steps up behind a mom with 3 kids and her card doesn’t work… or she doesn’t have quite enough money to pay for the groceries..  and pays for her..  American is the person who tries their best to do a good job for his employer,  to give their children what education they couldn’t afford… Without federal loans they didn’t qualify for.  The ones who are kind..  even the grumpy guy who will turn around and do a bit of kindness, because he has been there.

He is the fisherman, who takes his boat out in to the sea, before dawn, with a small crew, to get fish for the vasts to eat.

We only hear and see on the many media’s the LOUD, the PROTESTORS.. who think THEY should make the rules as they destroy and burn the town they are protesting. The LOUD who run for office and have a pack of lies that they say, to have you believe enough to vote. That you find out, it wasn’t for you.. it was for them and their group..  Congress use to be for roads for the nation, health for the children, SS for the elderly… (which they took.. they used the word ..borrow, but borrow means it will be given back).. They were suppose to be for THE PEOPLE..

New words are alternative truths,  AL which copies the human race.. the entitled.  Trying to slop entitlement over to SS, when WE WORKED FOR IT. 

We over 65, wake each day, and hope we make it to the end of the day, we hope we aren’t taxed out of our homes, We hope we can afford good health… And still remember what AMERICA STANDS FOR..  Not destroying property, not lies… twist of words… But our COUNTRY.. the LAND,  the PEOPLE who use kindness..  We need to stop the anger against everyone who does not believe the same ideals..  To comprise with out losing dignity.

It should not take a day like September 11, 2001… to bring the country back to decency … and sadly that only lasted a week.


So when I tell you…  I AM PROUD TO BE AMERICAN… I am not telling you I am proud of our government… I AM PROUD OF THE GOOD PEOPLE who live here…  And for those who decide to come here because their country is not what they want…  Come legally, come as a hard worker to join the others.. not fight against the others. And for those of us here..  remember our ancestors came from a different country at one time too. 

I would like to see kindness, compassion, without being used. But in unity. 





 I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024



This inter changing with the insurance company has finally brought  me down.  I give up..  And when my son offered to take it over… I came to tears.  He has dealt with insurance companies off and on as he has a hobby of fixing up wrecked cars..   So he knows what to look for,  what to ask. And what is right and wrong.. To walk the road of insurance dealings.

I love my kids, really do, always have.. Proud of each one of them.  They are all individuals, none the same..   And I knew they loved me.   I have try to be a good mom… stay out of their business.. not to put any strain on them..  They have lived their lives as they want.. and that is what I have wanted for them.. I had hope that I taught them years ago, to be strong.. and take good care of business.  And they have done so.  They have done me proud.  I am closer to 5 of them.

The King and I visit the 4 out of state ones every so often.. But life gets in the way from time to time..  They have visited over the years.  We have one of them that lives local.. we are more involved with that family, but we love them all equally..  We have celebrated  and mourn together… The King talks to the boys often..  some a couple times a week.. or a month or so goes by with some.  One works  near us from time to time.. so he gets to run over and see us….WE ARE FAMILY…

One of the things I have tried hard to do is take care of my own business.  The King and mine.  And we have done a pretty good job of it.  I, personally have always felt I was pretty much self efficient, that I was the leader of the two of us, for like most wives.. we take care of the book work, the paper work, we make sure that everything runs smoothly..  The King makes sure the house, vehicles runs smooth and is the protector.  

But that all changed when the truck accident happen.  We were fish out of water..  the electronic world open up and swallowed us.. we were definitely over our heads.  And it seems to get worse as we went on.  That is when our son stepped up and said he would take over.   But I feel so old… so lost in what I thought I was strong in. A feeling of useless..  And it is hard to accept help when you have been in control for so many years..  Been the helper, both of us… so it is hard to say .. yes, help us.

So I FEEL OLD…  I have never hid my age of 84.. actually kind of proud of it, as it is older than most of my family has gotten..  As I use to say, “not bad for an old broad”… But not so brazen now.. 

I know this too shall pass.. and I will survive..  we, the King and I will survive. But God it is good, to have God and our kids in our corner.

Monday, September 09, 2024

It is going to be a L-O-N-G haul…

It is going to be a L-O-N-G  haul… 

Dealing with or rather not dealing with.. because they ignored us.. with INSURANCE COMPANY…   the man who caused the accident.. has USAA… we  called their office 3 times and got a recording.. which we gave our phone number… and our email address….NOTHING.. .   And a week after the accident we still did not hear from USAA… Which left us with the option to talk to our insurance company and have them pay for it and go after USAA… We felt like we had no other option, so we went down and talk to our agent.  With in 24 hours our insurance company contacted us. Talked to the King.. and said they would get back to us.   We got an email, which we requested that kind of contacting… with the adjustment department.  We sent them pictures of the truck.  Then on Friday, we got A text… WE DO NOT TEXT.  We have flip phones.  First texting back more than one word is time consuming..  as we have to hit each button until we get to the correct letter..  plus our screen is only a inch and half wide.. So takes scrolling quite a bit to see the whole message.  So text back and repeated our request for EMAIL ONLY…  but no word as I am sure it must have been the end of the office day and it was Friday.  So here we sat over the weekend. 

In the meantime..  I scrounged our numbers and found we could afford to find an old pickup to have while we battled out with the insurance coming.. as we could see this is going to be a LONG HAUL..   We were lucky (with I am sure with God’s help) to find one we could afford and it is in great shape. The man who sold it to us.. loved his pickup and keep it amazingly clean.. Not just soap and water clean, but clean as in upkeep. 

So here we go..  one step at a time..  waiting to get the email with the options in full … instead of one a 1 and half inch screen..  So far as I could read.. they were offering… is less than $5000 of what we could even come close to.. to replace the truck.  What is with BUYING BACK YOUR VEHCILE?  You have to spend money to get the money??? That does not make sense.   We were told they put an offer out and we can counter offer… but we have to have proof of anything we have to say it should be more.   So gathering up information. Waiting for the email to see what actually is on the offer… and then decision time..  Do we take the money..  and let go of the truck… or take less, by buying back the truck as salvaged item?  And will the money be enough to pay for it to be fix to what it was?  But at least the King has a truck to make it thru this…  he has had one since he was 17.  So 55 years with a truck and then be grounded..  Not easy for the guy..

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

E. G. R ……


Some times life gives you some trying times..  and it is easy to lose it when you get sideswiped with life…  and EGR … is applicable.

Such was the time last week..   Something happen, that took the stuffen clear out of us..  But as I parked my car and saw what the accident had done to our pickup..  I found that grace…  As I walked up the man who cause this.  The anger drained and compassion come to me..  

I explain to the man who I was.. and the man walking around and talking to the police, was my husband..   He kept repeating over and over how sorry he was.. and how it was his fault.. totally his fault..   I asked how he felt, and he had a funny look on his face.. then I clarified it..  I ask if he was ok.. Did he get hurt?  Is he ok  still with a kind of look of disbelief.. he said.. he thought he was ok.. And I said good.. I was glad he was ok..  Again he started to apologize ..  I told him.. pointing at his car and our truck.. which was slightly up a pole..   I told him.. this is all nuts and bolts.. metal..  what was important was that he and my husband are ok.   That is what was important to me.  He said thank you for being so kind..   I told him.. thank you for being so honest with the police officer about his part in the accident.. (he had made a left hand turn, right in front of my husband and truck.. My husband had no where to go..  to his left was on coming traffic.. to the right was the front half of the man’s car..  causing his car to swing around totally and leaving a path to the pole for our truck.  

This is heart breaking to me..  and my husband..  but especially to me..  I bought this truck..  I found it.. I told the sales person, that I was going to buy it and pay cash…  I had cashed in some of my trust money from my family trust fund..  Figuring at my age, it would be the last vehicle for me.   I told the salesperson.. the only thing is.. I needed my husband  to get home, to try it out.. and if it is as sound as I thought it would be..  I would buy it.  And it was and I paid for it..  they changed the oil and check it over and the next morning we took it home.. that was in 2011..  We love that truck.. My husband takes such great care of it..  we take it to the dealer for oil changes and tune ups ever time the mileage required it..  at least 3 times a year.  When the weather and rocks for the road ding it.. My husband would take care of them… which he did a week before the accident..  it had a full tank of gas from the day before.. it has $40 worth of windshield wipers bought just 15 minutes before the accident..  So you see it is our pride and joy.

But even with all that..  my heart went out to the young man who for a fleeting moment.. made a bad choice.. and turn in from of my husband.  He deserved kindness..

Now we have to fight it out with his insurance.. to see what they will do.  Everyone tells his that they will total  the truck out because of age..  We want our truck..  it is still 95% sound.. the under carriage is sound. The frame is not bent…the motor, transmission, rearend is still sound..  the box bed is sound..  the doors are fine..  We need  a new hood, and nose to the truck.. I don’t think we should have to pay to get money (by buying it back) to repair it.  Everyone who knows the truck, knows it is worth fixing..  So I guess we will see if the young man’s insurance thinks so too. 


Monday, September 02, 2024




This is 2 hours of steady work.. (6 bags..... and he still has a full closet...)   By both the King and I..  We had talked about his clothes. He has talked about going thru them.. He has said off and on..that he doesn’t have THAT MANY CLOTHES..

SO LAST WEEK..  I decided to show him..    I did the routine I use when I got thru my stuff..  No matter what it is.. clothes, papers, pictures or what ever...   what works for me is the dump everything on the bed.. and use it as  sorting table.   He was horrified about doing that..  But rather than buck me..  he went along for the ride.. And ride it was..


We started with the closet..  Taking every thing out of the closet and put it on the bed.. in piles of what it is..  Shorts,   Pants… sweat pants..  sweat shirts… tee shirts… long sleeve and short sleeve..  He tried to go thru the clothes as he went thru the closet..  I keep telling him.. NO NO.. JUST HAND IT OUT HERE..   As he did, I put them in the piles.   21 shorts later.. 17 sweat pants later..  8 sweat shirts later…  23 short sleeve tee shirts.. 14 long sleeves shirt later…   with his WOW, I FORGOT I OWN THAT ONE..  There were a lot of size 2xx that he can’t wear any more…  some with the tags on them still..  We went thru all of the clothing.. having him decide what he wanted to keep and what he wanted to get rid of..  The pile kept adding up..  we did put the size 2xx in one pile to see if they might fit.  After all the clothing was done that was on the bed.. we started with the drawers..   dumping them out .. one by one…(36 tee shirts later)  and again.. “I forgot I got that shirt..  where did you find this shirt”…  Then after going thru them.. and the pile adding up… we started the size 2xx… sadly..  none of them fit anymore…  there were several Hawaiian shirts.. beautiful ones..  nope.. no go.. sad. One had a new tag still on it..  

Then there was what I need for a box of them.. Memories Tee Shirts..  shirts given to him by people who had passed…  and then there are the LOST IN THE 50’S tee shirts.. about 14 of them.. (two with his friend of the past   Paul Perry Security shirts) I think .. one he has double.. as on is worn quite a bit.. and one I got for a replacement.. that I was lucky to find.. as no one has it anymore.. It is the one with the Chevie that spits out fire from the rear… 

2 hours later ..  we had it done.. I had found a tote that would have the Memories tee’s … the extra clothes hangers..  and garbage.. were all taken care of..  WOW.. AND I THOUGHT WOMEN WHERE CLOTHES HORSES..   lol.   He even gave up his cowboy boots… I was surprise at how quickly he said to throw them in the pile.. boots of his rodeo roping days..  gone..  it was his choice not mine.. as I would have voted to keeping them..  but he said they didn’t fit anymore..  It is hard to watch your past go out the door, even for a man..