Monday, September 02, 2024




This is 2 hours of steady work.. (6 bags..... and he still has a full closet...)   By both the King and I..  We had talked about his clothes. He has talked about going thru them.. He has said off and on..that he doesn’t have THAT MANY CLOTHES..

SO LAST WEEK..  I decided to show him..    I did the routine I use when I got thru my stuff..  No matter what it is.. clothes, papers, pictures or what ever...   what works for me is the dump everything on the bed.. and use it as  sorting table.   He was horrified about doing that..  But rather than buck me..  he went along for the ride.. And ride it was..


We started with the closet..  Taking every thing out of the closet and put it on the bed.. in piles of what it is..  Shorts,   Pants… sweat pants..  sweat shirts… tee shirts… long sleeve and short sleeve..  He tried to go thru the clothes as he went thru the closet..  I keep telling him.. NO NO.. JUST HAND IT OUT HERE..   As he did, I put them in the piles.   21 shorts later.. 17 sweat pants later..  8 sweat shirts later…  23 short sleeve tee shirts.. 14 long sleeves shirt later…   with his WOW, I FORGOT I OWN THAT ONE..  There were a lot of size 2xx that he can’t wear any more…  some with the tags on them still..  We went thru all of the clothing.. having him decide what he wanted to keep and what he wanted to get rid of..  The pile kept adding up..  we did put the size 2xx in one pile to see if they might fit.  After all the clothing was done that was on the bed.. we started with the drawers..   dumping them out .. one by one…(36 tee shirts later)  and again.. “I forgot I got that shirt..  where did you find this shirt”…  Then after going thru them.. and the pile adding up… we started the size 2xx… sadly..  none of them fit anymore…  there were several Hawaiian shirts.. beautiful ones..  nope.. no go.. sad. One had a new tag still on it..  

Then there was what I need for a box of them.. Memories Tee Shirts..  shirts given to him by people who had passed…  and then there are the LOST IN THE 50’S tee shirts.. about 14 of them.. (two with his friend of the past   Paul Perry Security shirts) I think .. one he has double.. as on is worn quite a bit.. and one I got for a replacement.. that I was lucky to find.. as no one has it anymore.. It is the one with the Chevie that spits out fire from the rear… 

2 hours later ..  we had it done.. I had found a tote that would have the Memories tee’s … the extra clothes hangers..  and garbage.. were all taken care of..  WOW.. AND I THOUGHT WOMEN WHERE CLOTHES HORSES..   lol.   He even gave up his cowboy boots… I was surprise at how quickly he said to throw them in the pile.. boots of his rodeo roping days..  gone..  it was his choice not mine.. as I would have voted to keeping them..  but he said they didn’t fit anymore..  It is hard to watch your past go out the door, even for a man..

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