Tuesday, September 03, 2024

E. G. R ……


Some times life gives you some trying times..  and it is easy to lose it when you get sideswiped with life…  and EGR … is applicable.

Such was the time last week..   Something happen, that took the stuffen clear out of us..  But as I parked my car and saw what the accident had done to our pickup..  I found that grace…  As I walked up the man who cause this.  The anger drained and compassion come to me..  

I explain to the man who I was.. and the man walking around and talking to the police, was my husband..   He kept repeating over and over how sorry he was.. and how it was his fault.. totally his fault..   I asked how he felt, and he had a funny look on his face.. then I clarified it..  I ask if he was ok.. Did he get hurt?  Is he ok  still with a kind of look of disbelief.. he said.. he thought he was ok.. And I said good.. I was glad he was ok..  Again he started to apologize ..  I told him.. pointing at his car and our truck.. which was slightly up a pole..   I told him.. this is all nuts and bolts.. metal..  what was important was that he and my husband are ok.   That is what was important to me.  He said thank you for being so kind..   I told him.. thank you for being so honest with the police officer about his part in the accident.. (he had made a left hand turn, right in front of my husband and truck.. My husband had no where to go..  to his left was on coming traffic.. to the right was the front half of the man’s car..  causing his car to swing around totally and leaving a path to the pole for our truck.  

This is heart breaking to me..  and my husband..  but especially to me..  I bought this truck..  I found it.. I told the sales person, that I was going to buy it and pay cash…  I had cashed in some of my trust money from my family trust fund..  Figuring at my age, it would be the last vehicle for me.   I told the salesperson.. the only thing is.. I needed my husband  to get home, to try it out.. and if it is as sound as I thought it would be..  I would buy it.  And it was and I paid for it..  they changed the oil and check it over and the next morning we took it home.. that was in 2011..  We love that truck.. My husband takes such great care of it..  we take it to the dealer for oil changes and tune ups ever time the mileage required it..  at least 3 times a year.  When the weather and rocks for the road ding it.. My husband would take care of them… which he did a week before the accident..  it had a full tank of gas from the day before.. it has $40 worth of windshield wipers bought just 15 minutes before the accident..  So you see it is our pride and joy.

But even with all that..  my heart went out to the young man who for a fleeting moment.. made a bad choice.. and turn in from of my husband.  He deserved kindness..

Now we have to fight it out with his insurance.. to see what they will do.  Everyone tells his that they will total  the truck out because of age..  We want our truck..  it is still 95% sound.. the under carriage is sound. The frame is not bent…the motor, transmission, rearend is still sound..  the box bed is sound..  the doors are fine..  We need  a new hood, and nose to the truck.. I don’t think we should have to pay to get money (by buying it back) to repair it.  Everyone who knows the truck, knows it is worth fixing..  So I guess we will see if the young man’s insurance thinks so too. 


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