Monday, September 09, 2024

It is going to be a L-O-N-G haul…

It is going to be a L-O-N-G  haul… 

Dealing with or rather not dealing with.. because they ignored us.. with INSURANCE COMPANY…   the man who caused the accident.. has USAA… we  called their office 3 times and got a recording.. which we gave our phone number… and our email address….NOTHING.. .   And a week after the accident we still did not hear from USAA… Which left us with the option to talk to our insurance company and have them pay for it and go after USAA… We felt like we had no other option, so we went down and talk to our agent.  With in 24 hours our insurance company contacted us. Talked to the King.. and said they would get back to us.   We got an email, which we requested that kind of contacting… with the adjustment department.  We sent them pictures of the truck.  Then on Friday, we got A text… WE DO NOT TEXT.  We have flip phones.  First texting back more than one word is time consuming..  as we have to hit each button until we get to the correct letter..  plus our screen is only a inch and half wide.. So takes scrolling quite a bit to see the whole message.  So text back and repeated our request for EMAIL ONLY…  but no word as I am sure it must have been the end of the office day and it was Friday.  So here we sat over the weekend. 

In the meantime..  I scrounged our numbers and found we could afford to find an old pickup to have while we battled out with the insurance coming.. as we could see this is going to be a LONG HAUL..   We were lucky (with I am sure with God’s help) to find one we could afford and it is in great shape. The man who sold it to us.. loved his pickup and keep it amazingly clean.. Not just soap and water clean, but clean as in upkeep. 

So here we go..  one step at a time..  waiting to get the email with the options in full … instead of one a 1 and half inch screen..  So far as I could read.. they were offering… is less than $5000 of what we could even come close to.. to replace the truck.  What is with BUYING BACK YOUR VEHCILE?  You have to spend money to get the money??? That does not make sense.   We were told they put an offer out and we can counter offer… but we have to have proof of anything we have to say it should be more.   So gathering up information. Waiting for the email to see what actually is on the offer… and then decision time..  Do we take the money..  and let go of the truck… or take less, by buying back the truck as salvaged item?  And will the money be enough to pay for it to be fix to what it was?  But at least the King has a truck to make it thru this…  he has had one since he was 17.  So 55 years with a truck and then be grounded..  Not easy for the guy..

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