Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Funerals and Elf on a shelf…..

Funerals and Elf on a shelf…..

Funerals of late have been overrated.  And there are some who are still going well.

But we all have heard the saying.. that funerals are for the living.. and that is true even more today..  Because if you are saying.. you are going out of respect for the one who died… well,  hate to tell you….  the deceased is not a elf on the shelf of the cloud, looking down at their funeral and say..   Well, there is Joe, he sure looks good.  I am glad he showed up..  and there is Mary, she was an old rip, but had a good heart.. nice of her to show up..  And there is Harry, with his can of beer, Hi, Harry.. have one for me..   Hey Frank.. your next..

Nope, you are going to show the kids or spouse that the person who passed meant something to you…  Some times they ask for funny stories..  And there are those who will stand up and say something..  Some won’t..  at the gathering after… when my second husband passed..  I had a few of his buddies, who wanted to stand up and talk but didn’t think it would be good.. the stories they could tell.. and then we would laugh over some of them..   I told them I thought hunting stories would have a lapse of convictions with the passing.. And they said, but mine hasn’t.. lol.. 

Some don’t want a celebration..  and that is sad.. as some people who were friends or even distance relatives.. want to talk to others of the deceased.  And then there is others..   They just want the family to move on and told them before they passed that is their wishes.. 

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