Tuesday, August 06, 2024



If I raised my voice at you.. in a discussion… I am sorry..  See I can’t fix you or change you.. And it isn’t my job to do that..

BUT it is my job to fix me.. To change how I REACT.. That isn’t on you. It is on me.  I find sometimes that people push my buttons.  I thought I had a handle on that..  I thought I finally figured out..  It isn’t that important.  But I have found in the past year or two, my frustration is raising my voice.  My frustration has lowering my tolerant bar a great deal.

And that is not on you..  IT IS …ON ME.. And I need for me..  to figure out how to tune it back out again..   I had the pick my battles system.  If it wasn’t important enough.   If it did me no harm..  then I would let it go..  Giving them the .. WELL, YOU ARE THE WINNER..  kind of like that song of the 80’s.   my standard was.. ok..  lol..  just agree with anything..  Not exactly telling them. they are right.. 

Of late that isn’t working…  these are troubling times..   And now that it has dawn on me, once again..  I DON’T NEED TO ARGUE..  Let them have their say..  and surely they don’t think I HAVE to agree with them..

Sure saves a lot of heartache not to argue..  and 99% isn’t worth it..

And I am not mad at those who push my buttons.. I am upset with me.. for letting them push them..   I know better.   I working on fixing me.



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