Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Howie Mandel, Muslin woman and…

Howie Mandel, Muslin woman  and… 

Disclaimer: this is all in good humor..  it is a joke folks.
Don’t want to get hate email…or comments below..

Maybe they had it all right in the first place… 

We know what a germ phobic person Howie Mandel, is..  knuckle knocks, or elbows… never a hand shake… 

Then we have the Muslin women who dress in burqa.
Burqa is an outer garment that covers the whole body from the top of the head to the feet. The entire face is covered including the eyes with a mesh screen to see through. It is worn as a usual daily clothing by Muslim women in some Islamic cultures when going out in public and removed after returning home. It is the most concealing of all Muslim veils. Burqas are commonly associated with the Afghan chadris. They come in many different colors.   Although.. it seems the main color is black…  

But think of it ladies..  you wouldn’t have to have your hair perm and hairdressers. You wouldn’t have to have tight clothes… you could wear what ever you wanted under it. .. pj if you wanted.. who is going to know?   And look at that hood.. only your eyes show.. so surely this should be great for during virus season… 
Maybe they are on to something…   ok, so I am bored and this is the best I could come up with…  haha..

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