Tuesday, April 14, 2020

What are you doing with your time?

April 14, 2020
What are you doing with your time? 
Well, as I wait for the server tech to come out Monday… to check my dish to see why it is so sloooooooooooooooooooww… I have been working out in the sun … as we have SUNSHINE.. Oh, God, I miss that..  So on Wed, Thurs and Friday last week, I worked on different projects..  Painting old and new yard art.

I had for years, two pieces that are of a girl and a boy with their hands holding a jar with a lightening bug(or fire bug as we called them) in it.  Do you remember those. I am from the East coast so they were every where .. in the summer time..  We kids use to capture them and hold them in our closed hands..  Some did put them in jars like the kids in the sculptures…  Anyway I had one set for about 10 years…. And last year they both hit the dust.. they stop working and the legs cracked.  I ended up throwing the girl away.. but the boy only lost part of one leg. After looking all over for replacements, I decided to work on the boy. I filled his leg in with foam.. after it dried.. I sanded it down so it was fairly flat.. but it look like his leg had been burnt.  I then painted him.. and use a flesh color for him.. and on his leg.. Looking like a scar from a burn, I left it rather than smooth it out.
THEN I spotted them in LAKESIDE COLLECTION.. catalog…  And order both right away before they disappeared.  I was so happy when they arrived and placed them out on the deck. And sure enough that night and ever since,  they have lit up… 
With so much time on my hands.. and seeing them with the old one, I felt bad they were totally grey.. and he was painted… So I decided to paint them as well..  I looked at them and thought about making the new ones like brother and sister…but as I was painting the boy, I thought no… I will have them all different.  And I did them both,   And now I call them the CHILDREN OF THE WORLD…  I really like them..  I see now that they are dry, I need to do some touch up on them…and of course the old one doesn’t light up.. bummer but they are still good.

Then I noticed my Portuguese woman, who I call Isabella… was worse for weather wear.. So got out the paints again and painted her fresh.. keeping the colors she had.

It took quite a bit as my brushes are small..  She looks a lot better now..  Then I saw my angels.  They are all cement color grey,  it was getting cold.  So will save them for another day.. they have a blue bird in their lap.. I am not a painter.. As my teacher told my mother over 70 years ago.. Cis does not color in the lines.lol..  As hard as I try, it still has some of the other paint that gets on the previous painted area… So I usually end up going and finish them and then going back and touch up the trouble spots..   They are kind of like Monet paintings. The further the way from them you are .. the better they look..   ha ha..

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