Tuesday, February 08, 2022

We humans are pretty horrible people.

We humans are pretty horrible people.

I have been watching television… and find out that the humans of today with their shaming and hating…  isn’t too much difference from those of the years past.  

Be it the 1400, 1500 right up to the 1930’s. We all know about the Vikings and their raiding of other countries. Killing raping, stealing… destroying the land around them. And I am sure the Roman’s and etc were just as bad.

Finding out that American’s haven’t been much better is disappoint to say the least.  We all know about the dealing with Blacks and slavery.  The African tribes selling their enemies to the Americans and English.  The disposing of them when the seas got bad.  And worse when they arrived.

The late 1800’s to  1930’s were not any better, with hanging, and killing of families.  And it was not just the Blacks.   It was the American Indians.  We have all read about, saw movies on the killing of American Indians for their land.  Also killing women and children..    And further it worse.. the Canadian and American governments decided to take over their children. House them in “homes’ and schooling them in the white man’s education, religion and forcing them to give up all American Indian ways.  A lot of them were institutionalized  in church buildings.  The horror of priest and nuns, beating and even on occasionally raping the girls AND boys.  These people of God, called those children savages.. and worse. Where is the Christianity of that? These were God’s children..  Surely as they were force to forget their own religion and learn of this NEW GOD…  they had to wonder where that God was for them.

I know there surely were others besides the “white men” who did similar…(think Hitler and the Jews)  but we think of ourselves as Christians… How can destroying another human being… God’s children…. Be Christian?  We, so called great race have nothing to be proud of.

Not all but there sure was and still, a good share of evil out there.

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