Monday, September 19, 2022


I HATE TIPPING   I hated when I use to be a waitress and I really hate it now!!

I hated it when I got my first waitress job as a teen in Florida.

Just give me an hourly wage and let it go.. don’t give me slave wages..  (50 cents an hour) and figure I will make the rest up in tips..  Some people tip really well, some tip lousy and some don’t tip at all..  But at least I didn’t have to pay taxes on it .. like they made it a law when Reagan was in office.. (another reason why I was not fond of that man)

And then came the day of putting your tips in a jar.. and at the end of the shift.. a percentage went to the clean up crew (the ones who clean the tables off and etc) and then the cook…  WHY THE HELL did he get part of my tips? He was already getting 6 times my wages.  And then there was the lazy waitress, who got part of my tips.. because I was putting in good money as I worked my tail off.. and she was getting lousy ones because she was rude and slow and sloppy.  So I hated tipping..  Especially when the owner then took out of it what he thought the tax would be on the tips.. or worse yet.. tally the receipts of what the food was.. and figured we SHOULD have gotten a 15% tip, and that would be taxed at such..  when in fact there were some who left a $10 bill and other who would leave a $1 bill or even two quarters.  Yep.. I HATED TIPPING.. 

Now I am on the other side of the coin so to speak..  I am the tipee..  For several years, what I left for a tip was considered pretty good..  I use to be in their shoes.. I did not discount my waitress when it was the cooks fault the food wasn’t up to par.. or he was super late getting it out..   Don’t beat up the messengers was my thought..   she was trying her best to cover for him..  extra coffee..  message of when it was going to be coming out.. and etc..  She tried.. he did not.

Then came the automatic 20% on your bill tab… before you even got a chance to decide.. at the fancy restaurants.  So I didn’t go there anymore…

I tip $3 for breakfast and $5 for lunch and dinner…  and if I have small children with me.. I tip $10 because I know what a mess they make.

When I mention that is my tipping rate.. I was shamed and thought to be horrible person.   I am sorry.. but that is all I can afford..  and when I mention that….  I was told..

IF YOU CAN AFFORD 20% OR 25%..  THEN STAY HOME..    WHAT?  WHAT?  Who the hell are you to tell me I should stay home.. that I am not rich enough to go out to dinner?  I was pissed and thought the person was rude. 

But found others say the same to other people. 

Going out to dinner anymore is not a pleasure as it use to be.  Use to be, if you timed it right.. you had a nice meal and in fairly quiet room..  Now .. you have children running around..  if you happen to sit in a booth, you get children kicking the back of your booth.. there is noise all over. And not so much the children.. as it is those who have to shout in their cell phones so everyone gets to hear their conversations.   If we happen to go out to dinner anymore.. we go at 3:45 … and get the dinner meal.. before everyone else gets off work.   And we are leaving as they come in.

But we have down graded to lunch and some times breakfast..  lot quieter for one..  the meals are a little cheaper, so the tip isn’t so big.. and my tips are correct for those others.. 

You know there should be some math person who can figure out what the cost of the meal is.. add the 10 to 15% into the price and call it good and outlaw all tipping in that restaurant.    

 One place had kitchen help tax.. what the HELL IS THAT? You are already taking the waitress tips and dividing it with the kitchen help… LIKE I SAID……… I HATE TIPPING..

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