Monday, December 06, 2021

So begins the STAFFHOOD …

So begins the STAFFHOOD ….

 We got this little bundle of joy yesterday… He was dump in the neighborhood of our daughters place this summer. She fed him so he didn’t starve.  There were others, she learned later, as she went looking for his owner.  He is the only one who made it across the road to her place.. Her house cats were not amused and let her and him know that.

So he was an outside cat, who lived in one of the sheds. A lover for sure..  Everytime she came out, he would curl up around her leg.  Purring all the way.. 

He has been an outside cat… used to silence .. with the exception of birds and wildlife around.. and the two humans who lived in the house.

When we said we were ready to get another cat.. Ours died about 6 years ago… and one kitty deal fell thru…  my daughter told us to come get him.. he is a lover, she said.

So with cat litter in hand.. and a litter box from our sister in law… we went out to meet him.   Mr no name…   And true to her word, he was a lover.. Happy to meet us.. purring and going around our legs..  So we found a carrying cage and brought him home..  He was really leery of this vehicle that was taking him to God only knows where.

Once in the house.. he hid.. found him, pick him up and petting him, and him purring..  So not so much not liking us, but scared.  He hid in the litter box.. (well, at least he will know where to go, right?)  Then the bathroom, and then the hall.. Every time coming to me with no problem. Sat with him on the couch. And he relaxed enough to sleep, but as soon as I moved.. he was up and GONE..  Behind our chairs, in the bathroom.. and ended up back to hiding in the litter box.   Each time glad to let me pet him, but not liking the house except where it was dark.  

 So I figured, because he was skiddish as I walked by the tv.. it was that.. strange voices coming from somewhere. Lots of people, to him.   Also he caught his image in the mirror that kind of freaked him out. 

This morning, I found him under our bed..  When I called for him, after all the other places were empty.. and used a flashlight to look under the bed (only place left) .. he came out. He was happy to see me.. purred.. let me hold him and pet him.   Sat on the couch with me.. but again.. gone under the bed again, when I moved.  Came out later in the morning when I went in there.. So I picked him up and took him to the food.  Which he had not eaten at other times. He had been drinking water, so that I was glad.. but with me standing there.. he ate the food.. I was happy for that.  I showed him the litter box again.. but he backed up.. let me pet him.. talked to him.. and then GONE again.. to the bedroom..  

Now when I go in there, he comes out from under the bed. But doesn’t like to go to the living room.. so again I figured it was the crowd voices..   I think he will be fine, once he gets that the voices are of no harm to him.. 

I did order a covered bed for him..  being he likes to be in dark places.. hopefully it will make him feel more secure in the living room. 

So once again… we are THE STAFF… got to get a few toys.. and all should be good.


Here he is…   KIT KAT…  for now at least..


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