Monday, March 07, 2022

One of the Silent diseases…

One of the Silent diseases…

We know there is several.. there is one that is cancer, because it appears without any warning..  like pancreas cancer.. it is already major before you know you have it.

One that I have noticed to pop up, with some people who seem to have it together.. is anxiety attacks.  Some have depression with it.  And that kind of lets you know, something is amiss.  But just anxiety attacks by themselves… seem to be sneaking up on those who never thought they would have them.  I just read that some have come  about, because of the covid..  Not from having covid, not from the shot, but from staying home.

And I agree. Those who were very active. Always so busy.. doing projects, helping others, working, always on the go…   never be anxious about anything…  are now being snuck up on. 

As a friend of mine told me last week.. She went to town the other day and could not wait to get home. Went to each errand as quick as she could and then rushed home.. Had this need to be home.

Another mention the same thing.  He went to a couple of stores and had this need to get home.  Neither one of these, in the past, have ever seem like the type who would be like that.  She was what I would call a social butterfly.  Not now.

I noticed years ago, when I was working in the nursing home. We had some of our resident’s who did not want to leave the home, not even for just a hour or so.  Or if they went, they talked their families into returning him with an hour or so. We had women who would not leave at all. Who would not want to go, and when family told them, they would have fun.. let’s go.. and then they bolted at the door to outside, back into the building and back at their room.

I think this past two years of mainly staying home, people are getting anxiety attacks about being away from their homes.  Less trips to town.  And now with calling in your orders from Walmart and other stores, it is worse. Now they can call it in, arrive at the said time, get their products put in the vehicle … and leave for home.. had increase that anxiety if they have to do more.

Call in your order, order your products at Amazon and such. We are become more and more  home bodies. With gas getting so high, less and less trips to our of state to see relatives.  Never knowing what the other state has for rules of mask and etc.

Makes you wonder, what our future will be, if we hunker down anymore. 

by the way, I too, have this..  a heaviest on my shoulders and head... before I go somewhere.. especially if it is with out the King.. don't know what I fear. 




1 comment:

Jordan Slezak said...

I never had anxiety before but that changed after I started working with Covid samples back in March 2020. Since then I have struggled with random attack, they used to only happen at work, but then they create out more and more. I would be in line to pick up my daughter (Due to my line of work she was in school in the beginning pandemic) from kindergarten, and I would get overly anxious for no reason. Nothing like wanting to runaway for unknown reasons, but can't because you really need to pick up your kid so you can getaway from the bad feelings faster. Eventually, I had to seek help with a therapist that said I had PTSD. So now I just take it day by day, but I have more patience when I feel them coming on. I used to get so mad at myself. I realized sometimes men need help and it doesn't make me weak.