Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Why do I feel like it is 1939?

Why do I feel like it is 1939?

In 1939, we were not at war.. but we were aware of the war over in Europe.  Bombs going off in Paris, England, but most of all.. and not in the papers.. was about the killing of Jews in Germany.  The paper.. our only real source of news, along with the radio at the time.. Nothing like we have now.. Lot of the news was a day or more old..

Years later we have read articles of why did the world just stand by while Hitler kill thousands of German Jews?

And I understand that question… because I find myself asking the same question as I was watching  “in our face daily, morning noon and night… pictures of the bombing of Ukraine.  Pictures of a pregnant woman being taking out of a hospital on a gurney… about 8 or 9 months… was there to have her baby and it got bomb first?  Reports of the people killed in this Russian madness… many of them children.

People board buses for Poland.. some even walking.. some using subways for bomb shelters…Women and children clutching what is dear to them.. a suitcase and a pet, heading for safer ground…

AND WE …THE WORLD…WATCH… there are those who headed to Poland to help with the people coming over the border.. People sending money to buy supplies to charities and churches in Poland to help them with the thousands and maybe by now, million of people coming across the border.

THANKFULLY…POLAND.. OPEN THEIR BORDERS Probably because they remember World War 2… One woman who was in her 70’s, sleeps on her couch so those who she invited to stay with her.. total strangers who don’t even speak her language..  using only the language of compassion…

I don’t want to go to war. Not another one… At least not alone..  but where is NATO…. WHERE IS UNITED NATIONS..  Do we just stand by and watch?  Is it because Ukraine isn’t part of NATO?  And why when it was still just in the thoughts of Putin..  didn’t we take them into NATO?

I just don’t understand…  Maybe someone who is smarter than me.. more military based, can explain it to me…


The scary part is.. how soon will China step in and help the Russia’s?   We know that is next.. Then will it be WWIII?

Sure sounding like 1939….






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