Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Can’t let go…

Can’t let go…

You  know, when you are cleaning out your closet of clothes. And you decide to downsize..  So you go thru and get rid of this and that.  You haven’t wore it for 5 years. It is time to let go.

Yet, there are a few things,  when you go to put it in the box… you hold it for a little longer… and then you keep it.

Well, it works for books too. I am trying to downsize my books.  I have gotten rid of a lot of cookbooks… I use to have a book shelf that was 6 feet tall.. and 5 foot wide.. and it was full.. so full, that I would put books side ways on top of other books.  But in the past couple years, I have down sized to about 12 cookbooks.. And now I have about 8 left.. as of today.. 

But there are two books I was going to give away because I have no attachment to them…  WELL, I THOUGHT SO.  Until I decided to open them.  One is about the Presidents.. from Washington to I think, Clinton.  And there is a slide thingie.. which you slide it to the president of choice, and it shows who his wife is and what are one or two things that happen while that person was president.. Also across the way from the presidents name is his vice president.  Which I am sure you can relate..  of wow, I never heard of this guy.. more than once.   Then there is one called  WHEN ..WHERE..WHY & HOW IT HAPPENED. History’s most dramatic events and how they changed the world..    DAMN DAMN DAMN.. so much for I have no attachment to them. 448 pages of totally interesting things.. the last one is 1989 the collapse of communism…   the book was published in 1995… some how I don’t think the last chapter is going to be a final, as we all know that communism is still alive in other countries and who knows maybe still here.

The president one I have jumped around just to tell myself, I can let this book go and find myself deep into the stories.  Even Jimmy Carter who I thought I knew everything about him that I wanted to know…  I don’t..  So looks like these books are going to be around for a while.  DANG IT.  then there is this one.. 

 I was hoping to down size to one book shelf.. I have 3.. one I have the kids’s toys in.. the other has tech books..  so thought I could get rid of this one.  



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