Monday, August 29, 2022



There is getting to be more and more great grandparents. We are living longer, our kids married younger.. So their kids are now adults. So 4 generation pictures are getting easier.

In the old days of 1940 to 1950 or even 1960. Grandparents were in the 60’s and some 70’s. And they were mellow. And their adult children and grandchildren came over fairly often in the 1940 and 50’s. By the 60’s the adult children were on the move , no more living down the street, or the same town. Not even the same state.

Now great grandparents are still young enough to watch the great grandchildren. And there is a special bond between the two different generations.  GGparents are more laid back. They remember when their grandchildren were young. And now are another generation away.  See grandparents are too close to the age. Meaning they still think they know best.

They see their own adult children doing child raising different from how they raised theirs.  And some are positive their way is the right way. So feel the need to correct the way things are done. They will tell you how much they love their own children and their grandchildren. But it doesn’t slow down the advice of how to raise the grandchildren. Nothing bristles up a mother more than to have a mother in law correct /second guess how to take care of the baby And the mother of the wife doesn’t fair much better, when second guessed. Nothing runs up the back of a modern mother than to have a grandmother say “when I was raising my kids we did………….”   And nothing puts off a grandmother than to hear the mother say..”my Dr. said.”.

By the time being a GGparent comes along .. they have mellowed out. Found out if they are smart… to keep their mouth shut about childrearing… and the they enjoy the kids. By the time we become GGparents we see all of our advice was not needed, nor asked for. 

So we see now a child (great grandchild)  who needs our guidance, so much as they look at us as their buddy .. We explain why their parents are so uptight.. and seem mad. How much their parents love the…. And we become  their pal.   They become your partner in innocent crime. To have fun as you remember fun being. To teach the simple things. Like riding a bike, sling shots, fishing and so much more.   All of this ONLY, IF THE CHILD DOESN’T HAVE A TABLET IN THEIR HANDS. Better known by the older generation… “the baby sitter.”

You might not be too popular .. but you can request that the tablets be left at home.  The resistance won’t be only from the child… but found by the other two generation who have their faces with in 10 inches of a screen of some kind.

Might suggest the tablet be left at home and they will learn modern times from them… and that you are going to show them how the world use to be in the simpler times.. when your own child was growing.

By the way, this only works if you are an active person with the child.. no sitting in front of the tv. 

If you are a craft person.. show them…  If you are a cook.. show them..  if you can build anything.. show them.  Do you remember what you use to do when you where a child?  Hop Scotch… hid-and seek… baseball pitching.. if you are lucky enough to live on a ranch or farm.. there is so much there to show that child about life. Not just the haying… but taking care of animals. 

And if have a calm look on life.. show them patience.. responsible and repercussions for actions.  That every thing is not free.. and good hard work at something pays of.. with satification of accomplishment. ..Pride is workmanship.  Let them hear positives..  and if things don’t work out.. you show them how to do it better..  to keep trying.. not blame or shame ..for what happen… THAT IS THE RESPONDIBLITY OF THE GREAT GRANDPARENT. 

Now there is a lot of grandparents out there.. who by nature are laid back and can do this very same thing.  I happen to have a daughter who does crafts with her two grandsons.. age 6 and 3 ..right now.  She shows them how to be silly…and to laugh with others and with each other.  She can say no, when needed..  She will make a super great grandmother, because right now she is a SUPERWOMAN GRANDMOTHER.








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