out of the back window, and then later the vents and danced down
the ridge of the roof. Gooing out.. then restarting for a couple hours.
We didn't make the KXLY news, (they did stop by after their report
on Hope's road wash out)...but we did make page 5 in the Daily Bee.
This is the neighborhood fire of June 7th in Kootenai.
It was spotted by a gal driving by, who pulled into the local
nursery parking lot and called 911... She saw a man from
Litehouse warehouse running around knocking on doors.
Luckily there was no one home. Out of the 4 apartments there,
only 2 were being rented out at the time of the fire. And they
were at work. Thank Goodness.
Fire robs you of your possessions, things that means nothing to
others, but the world to you. Hopefully the tenents got to save
their possessions, as the fire was 99% in the attic section of the
building. The firemen got here at about 10 after 8 and was here until
2 in the afternoon. Fighting the fire itself took hours as the fire ran
back and forth thru the attic, trying to escape thru the windows first,
then the vents, and back to the window and thru the roof, as you can
see the metal had melted, making large holes.
Nothing could be done to save the building. And now we wonder what
will happen to this building? It started its life out as a chicken hatchery
in the 30's or 40's. Turn into apartments in the late 60's, someone said.
Mostly single mom's and young couples lived there over the years.
There was a drug bust there not too long ago, so the the waiting crowd
speculated, was this fire started by a growing light in the attic? Or was
it old wiring. I am sure the fire inspector will figure it out. In the meantime
two families lives have been interrupted, trying to find affordable housing.
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