Monday, March 18, 2024

Well, that is a revolting development….

 Well, that is a revolting development….

I went to the dr. and I got my xrays…  And that didn’t quite turn out like I thought.  Well, actually..  I didn’t know how it would turn out..  I wanted the xrays for answers..  and I sure got that.. Not quite what I thought it would be.   She wanted to have a MRI…but the insurance company has to approved it and they have to see xrays to see if it really is needed. Well, they must have seen enough.. as I got in for a MRI on Friday the 22nd..   Now I have never ever had a MRI..  Have heard other talk about having them.. but not about the procedure itself.. Only seen on dr. shows on tv.. kind of how it goes.  Now I have a better idea of it.. but still unsure.  As I got the call to come in and a little run down of what it is like and what to do before..  Like NO rings or any other jewelry.. Nothing on or in the body that is metal.  AND IT LAST AN HOUR to maybe an hour and half.!!

This is not good.. I am not good in close in places..  Don’t know how bad it can get, as I make a chose not to be in close in spaces.  Worse one was in a underground fort in Oregon, that they have tours thru.. I was doing pretty good until they said.. Here we have a door way, and if anyone has trouble with low ceilings.. this might be a good place to leave the tour.  I didn’t know I had issues so I went ahead with the King..  after all he is taller than me..  Well, I am hear to tell you after the next turn..  and too late to reverse… the ceil was lower.. I had a good foot.. should have not been bad.. it could even be a foot and half as the Ken is 6 feet and he seemed to be ok.. Found out later, he wished he had left too.

So this ought to be good … not…  asked if I could close my eyes.. she said yes, and they can put a washcloth over my eyes if that would help..  I said.. OH YES..  lol..

Anyway.. what they suspect and want better pictures of is.. degenerate bone/ arthritics..  I had them do my back, as well as my hip…, and they found something wrong at my 12 level in my spine? 



Anonymous said...

I believe you will find out that it is loud.

Word Tosser said...

Loud I can handle.. it is the fact my head is in it like a tomb.. that has me rattled