Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Our next generation and more…

Our next generation and more…

We are mostly into the great grandchildren now.. with 90% of our grandchildren that are adults.. We are lucky enough to have one of the families local.. so we have interaction on a regular basis with our 2 great grandchildren.  We also have 22 others in other states.

When we get to visit the rest, it is a glorious time.. to see what the next generation is like, that is coming up.  We have them from 16 down to the newest of 3 weeks.

Over the time.. while interaction with all of them off and on.. we think about how this one could become this or that.. one who is stout could be a football player.  The one that ask questions all the time.. could be a lawyer… and etc..   I am sure a lot of you have done the same with your grandchildren as well as greats.  Thinking of them growing up in our world.. Of what we deal with.

But then I watch 60 minutes last Sunday… and got a new perspective how our vision of what they could do or become is not even close to what they will be doing.  Or dealing with, in life.  They talked about computers and they showed the difference of 1980’s and 1990’s and now.. How far we have come.. what we take for granted, that was a dream 20 and 30 years ago.

It was almost scary for me.. because to me it was almost like watching a future show that I saw years ago.. It was and some of it I have seen on Star Trek…  They showed one young man who was working on a new computerized unit. He had on a head phone, for lack of better words..  or description…  He could think with out talking..  He could think about a question… and have the answer with in seconds.  It was like his brain was google..  The reporter asked some questions.. some was math, some were just question of information.   The young man thought what the man said.. and then gave him the answers with in seconds.  How long before … the young man will not have to have a verbal question of information needed from another?  It seems to me, that isn’t too far off in the future.   I don’t know his brain was like a google system.  Was it linked in someway to a computer?  They didn’t say that.. or at least I did not hear that mention… if they did.  But I am sure it will be a matter of time, that there will be a chip of some kind, either in the brain. Or something they can wear like his headphone type outfit. Maybe the headphone, hears the question and then transfer the info to the brain?  I don’t know..

But it sure gave me a feeling of naivety in my thoughts of what life would be like for my great grandchild.  As his/their world will be so different… and what we take for granted now.. won’t even exist when they are in their 20’s and 30’s..   But they will slowly become use to it..it will be second nature to them..  what is so foreign to us now. 
Also it seem more isolated too.  To have the human voice not be heard?  To be in a room and listen to someone else where, while you do you work by yourself in your room?  I don’t think I would like that… and glad I grew up when I did.

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