Monday, July 08, 2024

Family … we are family…

Family … we are family…

Had the pleasure of having number 3 son and his family visit us for the 4th of July. They have 4 children.. ranging from 11 to 26, I think?

It was a great time for us .. for sure.. and it also was for my local daughter and granddaughter with her sons.

It started out with a simple cook out, on the night they arrived.

On the next day  was a bar-b-que at our house… there was a beach day the next day …followed by pizza with a pre birthday for the GGboys. And then the final morning,  a good bye breakfast with them all.. except the granddaughter and GGboys.. as we did it pretty early, so they could get on the road back home.. 8 hours away.. 

When you get older, you really appreciate the kids coming to you, instead of all the traveling for us.. 

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