Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I use to be able to do….

I use to be able to do….

I use to hop… like in hopscotch..  in school and the play ground and if you are long time reader, you know I found out about 2 years ago.. I CAN’T..  My great grandson who was in kindergarten at the time..  was doing it..  So I drew with chalk, a diagram out on my walk way..   Then I went to show him how..I stood there at the head of it.. NOTHING.. NOTHING AT ALL. And no I could not just jump.  NOT even over the lines in the walk way..  HOW CAN I NOT BE ABLE TO DO THAT? I KNEW HOW.  But could not get my body to lift up for a hop.  This baffled my mind.  I can’t do it… anymore…

When ever my husband (anyone of them 3) did a job for someone else, I would help.  I could lift pretty good. After all I lifted up 60 pound bales of hay on a regular basis  and threw them up on the trailer or truck.   I could life up a head from an engine and walk with it, without much trouble.  I have carried boxes when moving.. or when helping other move.. I did that.. I can’t barely,  lift anything over 10 pounds now, and walk very far with it at all.  It is heart breaking for me, as I was proud to help others. And especially my townie girlfriends.. who did not hay as a kid. I was proud of it..  and giggled when it was a guy…  I COULD DO THAT… I CAN’T ANY MORE  Even groceries can be a problem with me. Bought a 15 pound watermelon today.. Barely got  it into my basket.. and then in to the trunk of the car.. and then to carry it to the garage to put it in the refrigerator.

Any project done by the family.. I was in the mix of it.. I was a very bad supervisor as I was a go getter..  I would work hard and fast.. get this project done today if possible..  push, push push.. and being the first one in line to get it done. …  Now I don’t even go out to try. I don’t have the umped to do it.. I don’t have the ambition to do it,  I just don’t have it .. in me anymore..  So I stay our of the way.. and let others do it..  I JUST CAN’T DO IT… ANYMORE..

What upsets me most is.. I was still doing a good share of this just two years ago… at 82 I was still able to help…  What went wrong? I do have trouble with my legs.. Don’t know what is causing it.. and mri and xrays don’t seem to be able to understand why they are painful.   If I know I am going to have to walk any distance, I get out the aspirins, Iproben or the new one I found that helps call legs and back pain..  Even if  I have the GGboys, I take the pills to make it thru it.  I have tried all kinds of rubs  even CBD… only takes it down a tinge …

It is not easy for a DOER.. to sit and watch others do it.. So I stay home.. and fiddle around here doing small stuff.. 

So if you are doing well, KEEP DOING..  I don’t care what it is.. do it.. lift it.. while you can.

I don’t sit around .. I am busy doing something.. just it is light now.. and not for a long time before I have to sit..  all I have to do is sit for about 2 minutes then I am up going..  if it is down on my knees pulling weeds.. I am definite in there doing it.. for a long time. but stand up.. NOTHING.. 

Take care my friends..  you are concern about 50 or even 60’s nah.. even 70 is great…. But 80 is miserable to find out you are doing less than you were use to doing.





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