Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Only in America… or the Ugly American…

Only in America… or the Ugly American…

Is it only in American that citizens.. every day citizens,, not military, not jungle fighters, not gangs…   I am talking about the every day Joe or Jill that goes to work each day.. 

Is it only us..  who get feed up..  angry,  disgusted or mad at someone about their opinions, or way of life, or what ever that sets these people off….  Grabs a gun and goes and kills someone.  Kills them because they are so ticked off at their way of life, what they said, what they think, how they treated them..  you just get a gun and kill them.. and while you are at it . kill others with them.  At the work place,  in a hotel.. looking down at a bunch of people who are listen to music…  in a grocery store.. in a church… in a school?

Are we the only mentally challenged that we can’t figure out how to talk to some one.. or even ignoring that person?  Just because someone said something to you.. just because you don’t like their politics?   ARE WE THE ONLY MENTALLY OFF BALANCE? TO THINK THE BEST THING IS TO KILL?

Now maybe I don’t read the papers enough..  don’t read on line enough, read about over seas, be it Europe, Asia, the mid East? England, Ireland and etc..   but I don’t recall someone just grapping a gun to kill people just out of anger. 

Kill for countries. Like Russia to grab land..  Kill because they don’t like their dictator, Or one religion against another.. But just one individual against another..   even ones they know thru the media but have no clue what or who they really are.  Just because they disagree.   

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH US CITIZENS.. THE SAD THING IS..  THESES ARE 8% OF THE COUNTRY… the rest are good people.. they disagree with you, but they walk off, because you aren’t worth arguing with..  or might even tell their own side, but let you have your side too…  that is who the REAL AMERICANS ARE..  but they are not the ones the media shows the world..  which make or encourages more  to become like the loud obnoxious ones.

More and more I am glad (I think) won’t be around to see this mess.. the destroying of America..   But I fear for my grand children.. and especially my great grandchildren.  Who may never know what it is like to walk down a country road barefooted.  To listen to the birds..  to hear the wind whip thru the trees.. To trust..  to trust anyone..  I guess I grew up and raised my kids just in time to see the good life. 

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