Monday, July 01, 2024

It is that time of the year again.. school reunions..

It is that time of the year again.. school reunions..

We get a yearly notice for joining the class reunion for our school, no matter what year it is.. I think it is called “for all years”.. No wait, I see they changed it.. it is for all those who graduated 50 + years ago.  So while this year is not OUR year..for the 5 or 0…we are still invited to join.  Probably because there isn’t enough for each class to have much of a showing.. Some died, some are disabled, and some just don’t go to them..  I am more of the last bunch. But also I live in Idaho.. and the school is in Rhode Island. 

The school I graduated from.. is now a  middle school. They moved the high school into a new building about 4 miles away. And not that building they figure is too old and they are trying to decide to savage the good parts.. or just build a new one..  See it was the class of 1958 that graduated first from that new building.  Our class of 1957 was the last class of the ancient school that even my parents went to.. and it was old when they went.

There is 3 more years before we get to really celebrate.. and that will be 70th year reunion.

I wish they would have the head of the group have a booklet of WHERE ARE THEY NOW.. so we can see who is still with us. I would guess with ours being 68 years this year.. there aren’t a heck of a lot of us left.  The average age being 85. I was a young one.. I graduated at the age of 17… just barely 17.. two months before. Where most of my class mates turn 18.  

There is probable about 4 or 5 of 1956.. and older.. and ours is probably has maybe 10 at most. 

There is so little of us.. that they have throw us in with the Catholic church schools.  I don’t know if they are still running or not.  I should google it.   St. Catherine’s for girls.. and DeLaSalle for boys.. Ours was and still is Roger’s High School.   Oh and the dinner is $35 a piece..  and for me and mine?  Well, you have the plane ticket from coast to coast..  then the hotel, then food, and rental car..  Pretty expensive for me..   I will pass.

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