Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Life keeps changing…

Life keeps changing…

Tomorrow is the 4th of July… One of my pass favorite holidays.. better than Christmas, and Thanksgiving or my birthday…  I love it because I love parades… I love fireworks… and of course a bar-b-q, as well.

But this year.. I am only half hearted into it.  Not going to the parade as my legs can’t take the walking anymore.  I always got there an hour before it started.. Be it the one in Sandpoint, which is the bigger of the two..  Or Clark Fork, which is a sweet old down home town of a parade. And smaller.   I have taken my camera to both of them..  Alternating each year. And then I would post them on my Facebook, so who ever didn’t get a chance to go, could see what there was in the parade.  But this year, my heart isn’t in it.

We are going to have a bar-b-q at our house.  But that is mostly because one of my sons and his family are coming up for the holiday..  So we are having the old fashion type. And I am looking forward to that. Already started some of the prep work.   4th of July bar-b-que is like Thanksgiving.. there is a few prep work that need to be done a day or two before.. And then the morning of.. it is put the meat on.. And finish the prep work.   We will have his family of six.. They are my youngest grandchildren.  From 11 to 24 (I think). This year is extra special.. as I almost lost this son just a month and half ago, to a heart condition.. He is bouncing back.. he had similar trouble 3 years ago..  Being I have already lost one daughter to heart problems..  this hit home.  His family and us, are so very grateful that it turn out well.

They will probably leave in the early evening to go see the fireworks or maybe they will set off their own, rather than fight the crowd.   Me? Not so much..  It just doesn’t seem the same.. All the fireworks that I have gone to over the years… last 30 to 45 minutes. The last time we went to town, and waited with the crowd for 3 hours… for it to start.  It is at the beach.. which means no parking for the fireworks.  So it is park in town and walk down to the beach. So lacking for space to sit for those who show up late.  We use to have a back road we could sit at and see the show… But that back road has filled up with private homes.. blocking the view and not happy about strangers in their neighborhood.  Anyway, the time we went down to the beach.. like I said a 3 hour wait for it to get dark enough.. We got there and it was 7pm..  they did not start the fireworks until 10pm.  I know because I had looked at my watch to see what time they finally started..  But the worse of it was… it was OVER.. and I looked at my watch…  11 minutes after 10…  3 hours for a 11 minute show.. I was done.. so done..  So no more fireworks.

So 4th of July isn’t what it use to be.  Also the best part of parades in the past was the marching bands… and there aren’t hardly any of those anymore.. if they in fact do have one.   Sad..  guess I am just getting too old for parades anymore.

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