Monday, July 29, 2024

I forgot…NO, you don’t understand …I FORGOT!!!

I forgot…NO, you don’t understand …I FORGOT!!!

I didn’t forget where I put something.  .. I did not forget where I was going when I went in a room…. THOSE I have done for years.. somewhere in my 50’s, those started..   But I gave my word I would do something..  MY WORD.. means a LOT..  I take it very seriously..  But I found out today, I not only forgot something to day, but I forgot something I didn’t do in March!!  Something that I do every year when my neighbor comes home from their get away from winter.   The next day.. I am at their house.. or at least sending the King down to their house… to return their snow money.  This past winter, we did not use any of it.  See we watch their house.. and if it snows so much that their roof needs to be shoveled.. we call someone and we pay them with the money given to us by the neighbor before they left.. I FORGOT to do that.. And today she asked me if I gave it to her..  IT HIT ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS.  And I felt horrible.. as I went and looked and no I had not!!   She wasn’t bothered by it..  she just could remember if I did or not..  I DID NOT..  To make this worse and it started the DID YOU FORGET.. business… I have been helping them pick their blueberries.. I give my word, I will be there at 7:30am.. and I am.. BUT NOT TODAY…. I was talking to my daughter about something.. then it hit me.. OH MY GOD… I FORGOT…  So I called her right away and apologized.. Which after a bit of convincing me it wasn’t that big of a deal…  she said… by the way did you?         I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!  I GAVE MY WORD!! MY WORD MEAN A LOT.. well, it use to..   Told her if I am more than 10 minutes late..CALL ME.. 

Now I got to figure out how to do a better job of remembering..  I already put sticky notes on my bathroom mirror.. Wonder if those memory pills they advertise on tv work?


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