Monday, July 22, 2024



Wow, here we go.. on the downhill side of 2024…9 days left of July making it only 4 more months of the year..   I know we have a month of temper heat of practicing for HELL, left.. but with the weather we are having.. who knows what it will be.

But will say it is a scary 4 months left..  Some where soon there is the Democratic Convention… and that is a mess.. The powers that be in that party are not so sure they want to stick with Joe.. and if they decide to not go with him.. WHO are they going to find crazy enough to put up against the massive snowball of hell called Trump..   Now remember I have no horse in this election.. I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT… AND SURELY NOT A REPUBLICAN EITHER..   Neither of those two do I want in the White House. But what do I know..    the 300,000 suppose citizens of the USA.. are either crazy about one or the other.   But I do like that Trump did not find another old dog to go the route with him. His running mate who use to hate him, decided he would go with it at the age of 39.   But got to have someone better than Cook  OR wait for God to do it.. to get to see what Vance can do.  So we all just sit here and watch…  Is anyone handing out popcorn while we watch?


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