Monday, February 08, 2021

Life pulling the rug out from us

Life pulling the rug out from us

 I sit here, wondering what to say…  how to explain the unexplainable?

 Life was laughs and giggles a little over a week ago. 

But Today… almost a week from when it started..  we feel the rug

being jerked from under us. And we are saying to each other…


LIFE.. just jerked us to the floor.. to our knees in prayer…and what ever else there is.


The King’s brother, one minute all is well, the next not. We are on day 6 and slowly going down the slope of hell.  A roller coaster.

What was thought to be a small thing…. Only to have it enlarge beyond us.  He went to the hospital because he fainted? Passed out? For no reason. 7 hours later shipped to the next biggest town hospital .

Then a ray of sun shine.. He is awake.. while not talking.. he nods that he understand… answering yes and no questions with nods. Squeezing hands to let his wife and brother know, he knows they are there. After 3 days of questions.. there is hope…they leave with HOPE.

Then a call in the night...... relapse.  MRI…. Words of stroke in the brain, not the first one.. 12 in the past week…  they figure….  Then more test.. and then the worse fear.  NO MORE HOPE… laying on their backs next the rug that just got ripped away…  they have to make a decision…. NO ONE EVER WANTS TO HAVE TO MAKE.  And now we wait.  As we get ready to say good bye… God be kind..

1 comment:

Marianne Love said...

So sorry. Will be keeping you all in my thoughts.