Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I still don’t understand.....

I still don’t understand.....

We have seen pictures daily… for months. maybe a year now.
These are the pictures of the children who are at the border.. Some that were split from their parents.. thanks to our government.  Some tried to get across the border themselves.. I am guessing…

It is hard in this day and age to understand what is truth and what is fake news.. or even fake pictures… But in all of this, there has to be some truth
And what I don’t understand is how either our government or the Mexican government get away with it.   The stories now of no soap… no toothbrushes?  There is even a picture of a father and small daughter washed up on the land from the river… I don't understand..  One thing is, I blame the father… I don't care how bad things are... what demons are following you.. do you really think taking your child across a violent river is going to get you freedom?  A better life?  when the odds are 99% you are going to drown?  I guess I just don't understand.

But the one thing that makes me wonder… that I don't understand is... Where is the UN workers.. You know the ones with the blue hard hats that go to countries where there are abuse… to find out if children are being abused... to check the conditions of the area.  Where are they?  They bring supplies with them.. check the prisons or areas of people being held... Where are they?  Why aren't they in Texas?  Surely because we are the United States of America… we don't get a pass on this, do we?  Does someone call them to have them enter a country to make those valuations?  To check on people and their conditions?  If so, why haven’t they been called by another country on us?   Don’t these children deserve good treatment?  Who is looking out for these children?  

And if you think the lawsuit in the past for interning the Japanese during World War II… or some of the other people that the American government treated badly…. wait for this one folks..  I see a lawsuit beyond our imagination , and this time.. we as citizen can’t say we didn't know. We see it daily on the news…  this one is going to be on us… I just don't understand why the powers that be.. won't do anything..  These are CHILDREN.
Where are the churches? Where is the outrage?  It is reported like it is another day?   I still don’t understand....

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

This and that…on June 25.

Do you remember when gas stations had attendants that checked your oil and washed your windshield?   Guess in Oregon they still do.. Don’t know any other state that does.. We sure don’t.. You better know where your gas tank cover is.. and how to put it in.. and watch the numbers fly by. And if you are filling it up, then you can run around the car and wash your own windows.
We also had telephones on the wall or one on the little table . And people would answer it and sit there, because the cord didn’t let you go far.  And some ended up putting a bell on the outside of their house, so they knew when someone called.. So you about broke your neck to get to the house so you could answer it.. which 60% of the time, the person hung up as you grabbed the phone and breathlessly said. HELLO… HELLO.. to dead air.
For a while you had to count the rings.. if it was one, it might be yours.. Or maybe your number was a two ringer ….or a three ringer..  So you counted how many rings before you dare pick up the phone.. other wise it was your neighbors phone and they were not always happy you answered.   And phone number just might be a letter and a number..  Ours was R 38, I think.. because we were the 38th R in  the phone book. 

And then there were ink wells at school.. and if you were a girl with long hair, you do not have good memories about those, if there was a boy who sat behind you… 
Ah the good ole days… 

Today I say .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIANNE LOVE… of Slight Detour blog… may it be a day of great laughter with friends and family….
but also a day of sadness.. as it was/is the birthday of my oldest daughter… who would have been 59 today…  So Happy Birthday, Julie in the sky…

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

This guy…..

 THIS GUY......

Seeing these pictures makes my heart sing with joy… but also there is sadness in the background…

We have 23 great grandchildren.. All them are a joy to be with .. to watch as they grow up. .. from the youngest of 2 to the oldest who is 16.  But this one lives near us…so we are closer to him than the rest.  We see him more often. We babysit him… He and  Poppa are best buddies.. Poppa makes Asian noodles which is the best.. he tells his mom.  He drinks Poppa’s water with the straw in it and laughs… He gets up in Poppa’s lap and gives him a bad time.. but also while there, fall asleep together.. he on Poppa’s chest… Poppa can’t wait until he gets older, so he can teach him how to fish.

This one picture of him with his elephant, running across the field.. hits hard… he has such joy as he is running to Grammie’s house .. My daughter. He is her son’s son. They just live across the field from each other.  When he gets the ok, from Mom, he runs across the field to be with his Grammie as they get to play, cook and do art work. 

The sadness that I feel from time to time, as he look at that picture.. I don’t allow myself often… because I think about how I won’t be around to watch him grow up.  He has a little brother due in July.. right around the time he turns 3.  And I am glad I will be around to see him born.

Even thinking about the rest of them. As I enjoy the pictures on Facebook of each of them…. I wonder…. the graduations…the weddings that I will miss…  but I make sure I don’t think about this often.. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Generation in charge now….

The Generation in charge now….

I don’t know how many of you were late teens and early twenties during the early 60 to mid 60’s.. even the 1970’s… 

Don’t trust the man.. don’t trust anyone over 30.. was the saying during that time.. Also thru that time was the Vietnam war.. and the protests that went on at that time.. The generation that thought they knew everything.  They were going to change the world.  

They had all the answers of what was wrong with this world and the USA directly…

Well, now they are all grown up… THEY ARE IN CHARGE of our world now.
They are in their 60’s and 70’s… How old are the Congress people who have been there forever? The governors, the President, the Judges, both in Federal and state wise…. 

Doesn’t seem to me, like they are doing such a hot shot job..  I think Eisenhower and Kennedy,  Senator Tom Foley.. Tip O’Neil…the likes.. of statesmen, all that had their problems but seem to me.. were trying to help the citizens of the USA.

I think the generation of the hippies and don’t trust the man.. is finding it isn’t as easy as they thought..  or did they all melt into the fiber of the country?  They surely didn’t vote for Trump, did they?

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

If flowers grew like weeds…

If flowers grew like weeds…..

With the weather back to sunshine …we are back to yard projects.
The King put up another privacy wall around the hot tub.. so we are
covered on two sides now..  We are doing the pay as you go type..
Which means it is slower.

So while the King was staining the wood with waterproofing stain, I was
checking out our sprinkler system we have with auto turn ons.. I have a problem I can’t figure out on one of them..  So was using the hose to water down what was not getting wet.  And of course as you water, you see…..WEEDS!!!!  I have two clematis on the back of the house.. one on each side of the window.  Between these is some tiger lily flowers and of course the leaves… And I see OAT TYPE WEEDS..4 FEET TALL…
So pulled them.
Then in the small flower garden with the bird baths.. I see WEEDS.. so on my knees pulling them..  this garden, the weeds are like pine needles on a old Christmas tree.  The more you pick up the more you see. 

And then there is weed whacking… that is next up for chore.. but tomorrow is a break as the King has a dentist appointment in Coeur d’ Alene.

But as I looked around the yard.. all the weeds that I pulled a week and half ago.. not only are back, but they brought 20 friends with them.  haha

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A small project.. not

A small project.. not

Saturday was a rain day…boy did it rain.. So I decided to clean off
my desk.. not an job I like.. and that is why the catch all is 2 feet high.
But once started it wasn’t so bad… well, kind of..

3 hours later, there was a lot of papers to shred. And threw a lot away.
Threw away things.. restack some of the stuff..  Got rid of the folder of
stuff to keep, just in case..  But it was all worth while, as I have the desk
looking great.. and the things are in order.. and got rid of a lot.

Now just fast forward to Monday…. This one was a necessaried (is that a word?)
Because we suspected we might have mold around one of the windows..  So that meant moving all the stuff stacked in the chair by the window AND all the stuff under the desk.
No,I did not touch that last week.  It took another 3 hours.. or 4.. Stacking everything on the bed.  Checking everything out.. washing curtain (figured while I was there, I might as well)  Washed the window sill………….gosh when was the last time I did that? Maybe last year when we put in the air conditioner.   Long story short.. no mold.. thank goodness for that.   Now to go thru all the stuff on the bed…. And while I am at it vacuum the floor.  Again.. shred papers, thrown old stuff away, that I am not going to use.. put stuff in Animal Shelter box… Thinking I should get rid of a few things.. but nah, find a cubby hole in there somewhere for the 1992 mobile phone (our first cell phone) and a 1940 Time magazine.. but it January and not April.. but still hung on to it.. But it all looks organized.. The chair is back with extra blankets and Misty’s bath towels stacked on it.. but looks some what better.. Clean curtains…  But dang, what a waste of a sunny day, as I rather be out helping the King put up the second wall on the pergola… Oh, well, there is tomorrow..

Not a fan of inside house projects during the summer… but it is done. 

Thursday, June 06, 2019

It is that time of the year…..

It is that time of the year…..

This was taken 10 years ago today…
It is of my grandson and his best buddy with the King
the night the boys graduated.
Now one has a sushi restaurant in Florida.
And the other is a carpenter local, and he has
his own family…

This is the wonderful part of the year when parents get
to see the fruits of their hard work..  as their children
graduate from high school or college.. and the rest of us
get notices announcements.. which means gift cards.

I wish them all well.. and hope there is the jobs out there that
they desire..

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

20 years ago today...

20 years ago today, I married my buddy.. that I call THE KING.
Here are some pictures from that day 
Hope those who are reading this.. and were there, enjoy looking back with us..  

my best friend and daughter stood up with me.. and got me into shape
 as this man waited on the deck at the back of the house
such a serious face... probably wonder.. does he really want to go thru with this... lol 
 My oldest son Will gave me away
 As the song was sang.. and they waited..

the crowd gathered under the tent..

and around the corner we came....

Then it began

 Here  the King is singing a song to me.... called MY CUP RUNNTH OVER 
I will add the words at the end of this... if you see his best man.. Gordon behind him.. he is crying. and saying.. so beautiful... As the King was laughing as he heard him, but he kept on singing..  

 Then it was kiss the bride..
 The cutting of the cake..  (this was suppose to be after the other pictures..
 Our friends gathered to congratulate us.. 

Waiting for the food to be served.. 
 Our friends and co workers came...

 the helpers... this is Will and his wife Elaine and daughter Crystal.. Also Brad's wife Patty had our guest book and help Jeanette serve cake...  We also had the King's brother Gary, taking care of the grill and making sure the meat was done just right.. and his wife Sandee who kept an eye on everything to help us run this smoothly... 

After all the friends left..  our family gathered to take pictures.. This is our kids and spouses...
 and same with kids..  (our grand kids..which now just about all of them have children of their own.)
 I was going to release the balloons one at a time... but the King says.. no..  he says.
LET'S LET THEM ALL GO TOGETHER.....  as you can see in the distance of the second picture.. they wrapped around a telephone pole... was there about a week.. don't know how they got down.. 

here is the two cakes that our daughter Jeanette made for our wedding..

As I was going thru the book, to find pictures for this post... it was sad to see how many we have lost since then... these are some of our dears friends and family members... 
First is the King's mom... Mary Gors..better know to most of Sandpoint as Mama Gors...  she passed the next year  2000

Then we lost our dear friend..  Dottie Hermansen 

This year we lost Darrel Brown..Ken's boss at one time and also his good friend.. he called Pop

2015 and 2016 brought the lost of these two.. the King's sister, Tina.. and his best friend and best man at our wedding  Gordon Crastil 

And a few years ago... the man who married us.. and probably about half of Sandpoint.. Charlie Packard.. and good friend ... 

hope you enjoyed walking down memory lane...  and so glad you joined us 20 years ago.. to help celebrate our special day...

oh, and the words to the song..  that he heard on a soap opera called ALL MY CHILDREN..


 Sometimes in the mornin' when shadows are deep
I lie here beside you just watching you sleep
And sometimes I whisper what I'm thinking of
My cup runneth over with love
Sometimes in the evening when you do not see
I study the small things you do constantly
I memorize moments that I'm fondest of
My cup runneth over with love
In only a moment we both will be old
We won't even notice the world turning cold
And so, in these moments with sunlight above
My cup runneth over with love
My cup runneth over with love
With love

© Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
For non-commercial use only.
Data From: LyricFind

Tuesday, June 04, 2019



Each night, Monday thru Friday, 7 pm.. we would be sitting glued to our television.  Then they took two weeks off for Teacher’s weeks… and then back to the big game. The real game for us.
For those who don’t watch game shows, you will think we are crazy.

But night after night, we watched, amazed at this young man, who seem to know all the answers.. Yes, he faltered a few times, only to come back at full force.  His knowledge was amazing.. And his quickness kept the game going at a fast pace. Hitting daily doubles time and time again.. First the smaller one, and going for it all. True daily doubles.   And the others he would make a bid of some odd numbers that made no sense to us watching.

Winning 32 straight shows.. winning more than 2 million dollars, and just about 65 thousand dollars short of the highest of all. But he also broke many records.. even some of his own.. Earning over $100,000 for one night.. to break it at $109,000 for one night..and finally $130,000 for one night alone…  he was within one more night of breaking the largest and in the shortest of time…. But… life is Not always fair… and a young lady, from Chicago.. beat the BIG CHAMPION OF JEOPARDY… … so we all bid good bye to James Holzhauer….  And thanks for the memories James, it was a great and wild ride… and to be honest…  I’M BUMMED.