Tuesday, June 25, 2019

This and that…on June 25.

Do you remember when gas stations had attendants that checked your oil and washed your windshield?   Guess in Oregon they still do.. Don’t know any other state that does.. We sure don’t.. You better know where your gas tank cover is.. and how to put it in.. and watch the numbers fly by. And if you are filling it up, then you can run around the car and wash your own windows.
We also had telephones on the wall or one on the little table . And people would answer it and sit there, because the cord didn’t let you go far.  And some ended up putting a bell on the outside of their house, so they knew when someone called.. So you about broke your neck to get to the house so you could answer it.. which 60% of the time, the person hung up as you grabbed the phone and breathlessly said. HELLO… HELLO.. to dead air.
For a while you had to count the rings.. if it was one, it might be yours.. Or maybe your number was a two ringer ….or a three ringer..  So you counted how many rings before you dare pick up the phone.. other wise it was your neighbors phone and they were not always happy you answered.   And phone number just might be a letter and a number..  Ours was R 38, I think.. because we were the 38th R in  the phone book. 

And then there were ink wells at school.. and if you were a girl with long hair, you do not have good memories about those, if there was a boy who sat behind you… 
Ah the good ole days… 

Today I say .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIANNE LOVE… of Slight Detour blog… may it be a day of great laughter with friends and family….
but also a day of sadness.. as it was/is the birthday of my oldest daughter… who would have been 59 today…  So Happy Birthday, Julie in the sky…

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