Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I still don’t understand.....

I still don’t understand.....

We have seen pictures daily… for months. maybe a year now.
These are the pictures of the children who are at the border.. Some that were split from their parents.. thanks to our government.  Some tried to get across the border themselves.. I am guessing…

It is hard in this day and age to understand what is truth and what is fake news.. or even fake pictures… But in all of this, there has to be some truth
And what I don’t understand is how either our government or the Mexican government get away with it.   The stories now of no soap… no toothbrushes?  There is even a picture of a father and small daughter washed up on the land from the river… I don't understand..  One thing is, I blame the father… I don't care how bad things are... what demons are following you.. do you really think taking your child across a violent river is going to get you freedom?  A better life?  when the odds are 99% you are going to drown?  I guess I just don't understand.

But the one thing that makes me wonder… that I don't understand is... Where is the UN workers.. You know the ones with the blue hard hats that go to countries where there are abuse… to find out if children are being abused... to check the conditions of the area.  Where are they?  They bring supplies with them.. check the prisons or areas of people being held... Where are they?  Why aren't they in Texas?  Surely because we are the United States of America… we don't get a pass on this, do we?  Does someone call them to have them enter a country to make those valuations?  To check on people and their conditions?  If so, why haven’t they been called by another country on us?   Don’t these children deserve good treatment?  Who is looking out for these children?  

And if you think the lawsuit in the past for interning the Japanese during World War II… or some of the other people that the American government treated badly…. wait for this one folks..  I see a lawsuit beyond our imagination , and this time.. we as citizen can’t say we didn't know. We see it daily on the news…  this one is going to be on us… I just don't understand why the powers that be.. won't do anything..  These are CHILDREN.
Where are the churches? Where is the outrage?  It is reported like it is another day?   I still don’t understand....

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