Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A small project.. not

A small project.. not

Saturday was a rain day…boy did it rain.. So I decided to clean off
my desk.. not an job I like.. and that is why the catch all is 2 feet high.
But once started it wasn’t so bad… well, kind of..

3 hours later, there was a lot of papers to shred. And threw a lot away.
Threw away things.. restack some of the stuff..  Got rid of the folder of
stuff to keep, just in case..  But it was all worth while, as I have the desk
looking great.. and the things are in order.. and got rid of a lot.

Now just fast forward to Monday…. This one was a necessaried (is that a word?)
Because we suspected we might have mold around one of the windows..  So that meant moving all the stuff stacked in the chair by the window AND all the stuff under the desk.
No,I did not touch that last week.  It took another 3 hours.. or 4.. Stacking everything on the bed.  Checking everything out.. washing curtain (figured while I was there, I might as well)  Washed the window sill………….gosh when was the last time I did that? Maybe last year when we put in the air conditioner.   Long story short.. no mold.. thank goodness for that.   Now to go thru all the stuff on the bed…. And while I am at it vacuum the floor.  Again.. shred papers, thrown old stuff away, that I am not going to use.. put stuff in Animal Shelter box… Thinking I should get rid of a few things.. but nah, find a cubby hole in there somewhere for the 1992 mobile phone (our first cell phone) and a 1940 Time magazine.. but it January and not April.. but still hung on to it.. But it all looks organized.. The chair is back with extra blankets and Misty’s bath towels stacked on it.. but looks some what better.. Clean curtains…  But dang, what a waste of a sunny day, as I rather be out helping the King put up the second wall on the pergola… Oh, well, there is tomorrow..

Not a fan of inside house projects during the summer… but it is done. 

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