Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Playing the “who is that” game.

Playing the “who is that” game.

You know when you are at the grocery store or the mall or some other pubic gathering place., someone comes up and starts taking to you. They talk to you like a long lost friend.. You know they know you, because the subjects are applicable. But after they leave ,you look at your spouse and say… who was that?  The “who is that” game starts.. 

I have even tried using questions.. like how are your kids?  In hopes he or she will mention a child I will remember. Or what have you been up to.. that is a better one, as I am hoping that I will recognize a job, or place or mutual friends.

The King was pretty good at it.. .. it was me who mostly asked the question.. So I depended on him for the answers… But lately, he is getting as bad as me…
Because I will say… “who was that?” and he will answer
Darn if I know or I don’t have a clue..   

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Lost of innocence?

As I sat down on Thanksgiving day… I thought of where
I was 55 years ago…  saying nothing to anyone here, I
also thought.. I am not the only one who is thinking of it,
in silence..  As it was not on the national news, at least what I saw.. nor any special program… 

It was the 55th year since John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot. Our President..  Huge host to conspirators that go on to this day.

To me.. a lot of innocence of the nation… was also lost.
We are all to young to know about or lived the past of President killing of Garfield and Lincoln.  We only read it in the history books at school.  But reading in books at school, was a far cry from our day of 1963…our day of civilization, and security. JFK’s murder kept the nation glued to their TV’s for days.. Then the killing of Oswald by Ruby in a police station.. Unheard of. And of course it was a rare person who did not watch JFK’s funeral. The widow, the saluting son, the officials of every country following down the street.  People gathered in their homes.. in the home of those who had tv’s (not everyone had a tv in those days) or at a store front. Where the owner would point the screen towards the street with the funeral being broadcasted.  Tears flowed.

While I am sure as human nature, there were naysayers, I never heard a word.  There was a great deal of respect. And we wanted answers to why.  It was the CIA…it was Cuba’s Castro…. it was the FBI… even Johnson was named…. It was Russia. It wasn’t Oswald, there was a gunman on the lawn. That Oswald was a pawn.  There were books written about it.. there were movies shown. And we will never in our life time…if ever know the truth. As no one has come forward to admit who, why or how it was done. Or was it really a flute only gunman named Oswald.
Even Lincolns was shroud in theories that Booth wasn’t the only one.

My generation lived in a bubble of good times.  It was after World War Two,  and even with the Korean War, there was still the good times.. Jobs, houses being build and owned by the regular man.. That was the only credit one had…with a bank. Called a mortgages. You didn’t buy things unless you had money.. and you had a job, so you put money away to have that.. years later came credit as stores.  But it was good times in America… for most.  There were hard workers, honor, loyalty, with hard work being the norm.
Yes, I do believe it was the end of innocence to what we have now.    

Our generation remembers what it use to be. And saddens us to know our grandchildren and great grandchildren won’t have that innocence.  A child playing with out fear of an adult stealing them away, teens without fear of failure, and even to of being led astray by adults, harming them… kidnapping them.  Internet has open a huge door.
They won’t get to know, the safety of church, schools, shopping malls and places where people gather, being shot at now.  To find that murder, greed, lies, disloyal are the norm.
We know that it was there since the being of time. But we didn’t hear about it often. As you do now, daily, moment to moment .
In the old days, it was newspapers or letters and later radio that told of these turmoil’s… For most of us.. it was local and occasional nation wide, and by that time the facts were there, which was mostly true. Not the instant opinions of half truths.

In this day and age of internet we have it in our faces minute by minute which what they THINK happen…

Yes, the beginning of the end of innocence ended in 1963.
Where we saw film of the President being shot.. and his killer being shot in the tunnel at a police station, surrounded by police officers.. 

I still remember where I was.. what I did, as I heard the news.. I am sure if you are my generation…you remember it as well… but we are close to having it …just in history books to be forgotten, like Pearl Harbor.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving.... to one and all....

Remember this is going to be a day of 
memories... make them blessed ones
even with humor.. 
May you have a great day, with lots of good
food... and lots of  laughter... 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Race is on…. Holidays

The Race is on…. Holiday
The start of the season of HOLIDAYS...
First up is Thanksgiving…

Many memories of this day over the years.
Some and hopefully wonderful ones.. maybe
even funny ones…  knowing also there is the
down side of this day as well for some… And
hopefully they have made better ones with their
own families..  
Some times there is even disagreement
of where to go... in laws...   whose turn is Thanksgiving?
Who is doing Christmas… hopefully there is an agreement
of each year a different one.. or to make it easier.. maybe
just do your own… and have the in laws come to your
house... Which can be quite a chore for some.. but
remember it is only one day.. and if you are lucky about
3 hours worth…  and then tell everyone you are doing Christmas alone with your own family….  maybe showing up for an hour at each in aw on Christmas eve… 

But back to the fun times of Thanksgiving.. there is a favorite
Uncle or Aunt who will make it entertaining.. or even a grand
parent... Otherwise it could just be a nice time to visit over
a great meal…  That is the kind we had..  Some of you have relatives… and some just have friends.. or even both.
Ours was our own family… meaning mom, dad, brother and myself... with two wonderful friends.. That was my teens anyway...  First was the male, who was like an uncle to us.. he was the brother, my mother never had. And then in our teens we had a wonderful woman join us…  and we call her
Our very own AUNT JO…   Aunt Jo, won my heart, when I was sent to the kitchen as it usually was.. after the meal to kitchen duty.. by myself .. year after year.. Mom figured she did the meal by herself..( did do prep work) I could do the dishes by myself… Along with the week before of the duty to polish ALL of the silverware and etc.. even if we didn’t use it.. it was polished once a year.. and actually we did it together.. so to make sure I did it right… But back to Aunt Jo... when I was sent to the kitchen.. and filling up the one sink with soapy water and the other with hot rinse water… in comes Aunt Jo..  My mother told her that it was my job…. but Aunt Jo persisted.
She came in, said.. “ I will wash, as I don’t know where everything goes.. so you can dry and put it away”  That was the start of my worship of Aunt Jo... It lasted to my last Thanksgiving at home…(AND TO THIS DAY)   and years later when I came back for a couple years....  I am sure she did it for my brother and then my mother later….  She didn’t see it as a chore.. she saw it as a time to visit as well as getting the dishes and etc. done.. 

Those memories and then years later as a wife.. and going to my Aunt Harriet and Uncle Tiny’s over the years... when I lived in Ca. and when I went back for Thanksgiiving.. when I lived out of state…  Great memories with my cousins or my sisters and brothers from another mother…  We still talk about them, with fond memories...

For the past several years.. Thanksgiving has been at our house with a dabble a couple of times to one of our son’s house in Seattle area… But mostly here... We had over the years.. a son and his family come.. and the King’s brother and sister in law…But mostly my daughter and her extended family…  And that will be this year... with sadness of a missing precious son in law, Tim.  But he will be here in our hearts…  as the others we have lost in the past 4 years.. A
Sister, Mother of our out laws, friend, older daughter… but
memories we will have and hopefully the King the prima donna cook, will out do himself, with the turkey and ham.
I am prep cook…

So I wish all of you.. my readers of 12.. lol... with the wish of
A wonderful day..  celebrating those who watch from above and enjoying each other on earth… Make your own memories with your family….  God Bless.. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Living in the bubble….

Living in the bubble….

I was thinking the other day, as I watch the news…. With the hurricanes, the shootings… in so many states… and now the fires in Ca.  during the late fall….

I feel like I live in a bubble…. A bubble that I am comfortable with… so much so, I don’t care to travel anymore…

Here in our state, especially up here in the panhandle area, we don’t have that.. the nearest and even theirs is low is Spokane.   Well, I shouldn’t say that.. because we have had some… but it is so rare, it surprises us.. and we are shocked.  We had some one murdered next to our local gas station… The man had taken a taxi from Spokane to our area and had the driver drive around.. and then had him pull up along side of the gas station… and stabbed him several times.. I think he called 911… and waited for the police..
To say we were shocked is an understatement.   Part of us wanted to ask.. why did you come to our town to kill him, after all you got the taxi in Spokane 72 miles away…

We don’t have the hate protest here.. or people who block the roads.. if they do protest, like right to life type, and etc.. they are respectful, and line the street or walk across our bridge with signs.. that is about it.

We complain a lot about our government as we bleed red with Republicans here, yet there are a lot of us Independent votes here..  But nothing like what the nation is going thru right now.. Maybe because we have a say in what is done in our state… if we can get enough signatures we can change things and have it put to vote for ALL of the citizens to decide.. where as nationally we know we have no control. Even sending our senators and representatives to DC doesn’t do much for us… and our guys are voted down anyway.  Unless the congress is Republican run.  

So I love our bubble.   And hope we continue to keep it. We do have some Redoubt party people who have showed up in our state, but so far they are very inconspicuous/subtle so far.. but are inching into our politics… they are stronger than the tea party which we have had quite a bit of them over the years…

Yes, I want to keep my bubble.. we are still like it was when we were younger.. our word means something.. Business still care about their customers… and etc..  I just hope I don’t live to see what is going to happen once it burst.. and really fear for my great grandchildren.. who also live in a bubble where they are..

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


THEM and US….

It has always been a THEM and US world.. even when I was a kid… My folks did the best they could.. by the time I came along there was a war starting, and we were in it a year later.
My father was a civil service person.. he built torpedo’s for the war.  Then later after the war .. worked for the Seebee’s in R.I. at Quonset.  We never had to worry about our next meal, and we had a house that Dad built.  But there were those of money.. us in the middle with a lot of poor people..who just inked by.  Even though it was NEWPORT, R.I. the home of the mansions.

Over the years the gap has widen between the THEM and US  And never so much as it is today.  Much of it is not because those with little money didn’t work hard. As they did and do… but if you had a lot of kids which was normal in the 1950’s… then college was a luxury.  And still is.

Some say, well if “THEY” got a good education.. they wouldn’t be working in poor paying jobs..  As I said just before that wasn’t always true… And now.. with college ranking up there at the price of a new house or more.. it is less possible.  Some do it slowy.. taking one or two classes a year.. making that certificate out there like a carrot for some.. 4 or 5 years..  Some tech school are less.

But for the most part it is a stack deck against the regular guy.  As there are privilege who go to work for a company and get not only a good wage for that degree.. but also many bonus.. and the higher you go and do less.. the higher the bonuses go… Some in the hundred thousands.. some with a million.. some with hundreds of thousands AND stock in the company…  But this is just the beginning…  Because you see.. if we/I,  louse up.. and get fired.. that is it.. here is your last wages..and you are gone.. period.. But the CEO’S of the world… be it companies or school districts… YOU GET A RELEASE PACKAGE… Severance package… It can be hundreds of thousands…. Some even with stock.. Case in point… when K-mart started to go down hill.. they FIRED their head ceo… and he got, as he went out the door… now remember he was FIRED.. He got a million dollar, plus two million dollars worth of stock…  This is with the company heading into a downward spiral…. Which supposedly he caused..  AND then they hired another one.. for TWO MILLION DOLLARS plus I don’t remember how many millions of stock…    Now remember..when you are fired.. you are walked to the door with your coat in hand.. period..

Then there is the yearly bonus.. Now this man or woman is paid.. paid a huge monthly wage.. HUGE… by the standards of the production people..  So tell me why.. are they entitled to a bonus.. ?   Some say.. because they ran the company and it did well… First of all, some companies are not doing well and the bonus is still there. We are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars…  But lets say for the sake of argument, the company is doing well… Why should they get a bonus?  THEY ARE BEING PAID VERY WELL…FOR DOING JUST THAT.. THEIR JOB..  The production worker who makes sure the company is working well.. gets maybe a $25 bonus.. if lucky.. some get a fricking 10 pound turkey..If you are a supervisor, you might get $50…

So tell me again.. why does this Ceo.. get extremely over paid and a extremely.. high bonus?   Just for doing their job?
Talk about a stacked deck… No wonder there is a THEM and US problem.

By the way, when I was a kid.. my parents taught me.. I didn’t get extra…. BECAUSE IT WAS MY JOB… and for many years.. I was told, I had a warm house to live in.. and food on the table and clothes on my back.. THAT WAS MY PAY…  It wasn’t until I was 15 and got a job (not counting babysitting..which went for clothes) …and I was to put 1/3 in the bank to save.  Only got 75 cents an hour… And after school I got a job for $1.00 an hour, which paid at the end of the week was $36.00 with deductions.. which I paid my parents $10 a week rent… Plus put $10 a week in savings.. And because I had a car I bought with my baby sitting money.. (hell, no Mom and Dad did not give me one) so I had gas to pay for..  Luckily for me .. I could walk the 2 miles to work, when I didn’t have enough gas.

So can some one really seriously tell me where it started that business heads get bonus on top of their high wages?  Who started that???   And how can they look at the guy in the production line, who brings home his pay check which is just barely over what his company head paid for lunch with his cronies? 

And you wonder… why we bulk at the THEM and US.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

As the dust settles or is it?

As the dust settles or is it?

Well, here we are .. the day after the big vote.
The mid term elections…

Who survives… the liars and cheats.. or the good people of United States of America?   Way things have been of late,
It is hard to say..

I am sure most of the voting counting isn’t over. There is the absentees that have to be counted, as they are written so slower to count…  Volunteers counting thru the night until they are stir crazy….  Some of the poll places have changed back to marking on paper because of all the stories about different states being hacked. 
Some of the states are using the post office… as the ballots where mailed out the last two weeks.. so they are coming in… and as long as they are postmarked the 5th.. they have to be counted.  Again.. one by one… verifying first that the signature is in fact the person who is voting.. open next envelope and remove the ballot, … smoothing it out from being folded.. and placed in the pile.. next volunteer is counting that pile… And piles there are.  Hundreds for many places… smaller town probably if they are lucky there is a thousand in all.. and the real small towns.. have maybe 100 or even less.. Our little berg averages 32. Then turn into the county court house…

All of this will take time. Answers won’t be in, until  the wee hours at best… way past the deadline of the newspaper, so your morning paper won’t have the end results either..  so if we are lucky we will have an idea who won by the night fall of the 7th if we are lucky and in the newspaper on the 8th..
So much for the modern day of computers and fast results.
Personally…..  I like the fact it is going to take a few days..
And this year.. this particular midterm election.. they say the turn out is more than the Presidential year.  I truly hope so. I hope everyone who can vote… voted.. 

And as the dust settles… will you be happy?   Will there be cries of fraud?  There are always that.. will there be recounts?  You can bet on that… So hang on to your hats folks.. this is going to be a hell of a ride.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018



That is just what I don’t want to hear on Wednesday the 7th of November…that you regret that you did not vote…  

I know I am repeating myself… same thing I said 4 days ago… BUT THIS IS SO IMPORTANT…

And Democrats… if you lost today… that is on you… on you for not making sure every Democrat friend you have.. went to vote…constant reminding them.. take them to the polls..  have them fill out their ballot and mail it in.. what ever it takes…DO IT..

And those who are young.. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.. some of you were discouraged after the Democrat party railroaded Bernie out to left field… robbing you the right to vote for him.. but this time.. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE… you can make a difference locally, state wise AND federal wise..  so get out there and vote.

No excuses!!!!!

Friday, November 02, 2018



Thought I would write this  early.. being in 4 days you all are suppose to vote, unless you have already by mail.  Tuesday is the big day… THE MID TERM ELECTION… this year more than any other year.. it is a big deal…  We will see if there is such thing as a Democrat party… It is a make or break deal….  If they can’t get the people to vote for them ... then it will be a run away train.. They will become the ALSO RAN party…  The Republican party will take this mid term and run with it.. 2 more years of hell, and who knows even 2020 could mean the end of the Democrat party.  The Democrats better have their party members voting as well as convince the Independent voters that there HAS TO BE  a change.

It is kind of funny…  I am reading a book and in it was a paragraph, I am going to kind of quote it to you… about voters and why they don’t vote….  here we go.. and then I will tell you who and why…

“They say the reason the majority of Americans don’t vote is that they are tired of having to choose between Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber”.  And then he went on to compare it to a restaurant… “ If you went to a restaurant and the waiter said..  “We are sorry, but the only choices we have left on the menu are cottage cheese and fried breadsticks,”  You would get up and leave, if that wasn’t what you wanted… But imagine that this is the only restaurant in town and there was nowhere else to eat.”

This is not his exact words..but enough you can tell where I got them if you read the book.  Now get this… this book was published in  … ready?  1997… by one Michael Moore.. the book?  Downsize This! … wow.. 21 year ago!!! And it is still true….  

SO… I AM TELLING YOU…. and I don’t care who you vote for….(yes, I am serious, because I don’t tell people who to vote for)  GET OUT AND VOTE..  and for those who come up with excuses… I …… DON’T….. WANT…. TO .. HEAR… FROM … YOU..  don’t even bother… go talk to the wall.. go put a quarter in the phone and call someone who cares…  because as far as I am concern.. you aren’t worth the time you didn’t spend voting… THERE IS MAIL VOTING.. for those of you who work… there is early voting for those who can’t be in your town at the time of voting… get your lazy ass out and vote… even if you are sick.. you can vote by mail.. There are people who will drive you to the polls if you need a ride… SORRY, BUT UNLESS YOU ARE DEAD.. you have no excuse..