Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Lost of innocence?

As I sat down on Thanksgiving day… I thought of where
I was 55 years ago…  saying nothing to anyone here, I
also thought.. I am not the only one who is thinking of it,
in silence..  As it was not on the national news, at least what I saw.. nor any special program… 

It was the 55th year since John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot. Our President..  Huge host to conspirators that go on to this day.

To me.. a lot of innocence of the nation… was also lost.
We are all to young to know about or lived the past of President killing of Garfield and Lincoln.  We only read it in the history books at school.  But reading in books at school, was a far cry from our day of 1963…our day of civilization, and security. JFK’s murder kept the nation glued to their TV’s for days.. Then the killing of Oswald by Ruby in a police station.. Unheard of. And of course it was a rare person who did not watch JFK’s funeral. The widow, the saluting son, the officials of every country following down the street.  People gathered in their homes.. in the home of those who had tv’s (not everyone had a tv in those days) or at a store front. Where the owner would point the screen towards the street with the funeral being broadcasted.  Tears flowed.

While I am sure as human nature, there were naysayers, I never heard a word.  There was a great deal of respect. And we wanted answers to why.  It was the CIA…it was Cuba’s Castro…. it was the FBI… even Johnson was named…. It was Russia. It wasn’t Oswald, there was a gunman on the lawn. That Oswald was a pawn.  There were books written about it.. there were movies shown. And we will never in our life time…if ever know the truth. As no one has come forward to admit who, why or how it was done. Or was it really a flute only gunman named Oswald.
Even Lincolns was shroud in theories that Booth wasn’t the only one.

My generation lived in a bubble of good times.  It was after World War Two,  and even with the Korean War, there was still the good times.. Jobs, houses being build and owned by the regular man.. That was the only credit one had…with a bank. Called a mortgages. You didn’t buy things unless you had money.. and you had a job, so you put money away to have that.. years later came credit as stores.  But it was good times in America… for most.  There were hard workers, honor, loyalty, with hard work being the norm.
Yes, I do believe it was the end of innocence to what we have now.    

Our generation remembers what it use to be. And saddens us to know our grandchildren and great grandchildren won’t have that innocence.  A child playing with out fear of an adult stealing them away, teens without fear of failure, and even to of being led astray by adults, harming them… kidnapping them.  Internet has open a huge door.
They won’t get to know, the safety of church, schools, shopping malls and places where people gather, being shot at now.  To find that murder, greed, lies, disloyal are the norm.
We know that it was there since the being of time. But we didn’t hear about it often. As you do now, daily, moment to moment .
In the old days, it was newspapers or letters and later radio that told of these turmoil’s… For most of us.. it was local and occasional nation wide, and by that time the facts were there, which was mostly true. Not the instant opinions of half truths.

In this day and age of internet we have it in our faces minute by minute which what they THINK happen…

Yes, the beginning of the end of innocence ended in 1963.
Where we saw film of the President being shot.. and his killer being shot in the tunnel at a police station, surrounded by police officers.. 

I still remember where I was.. what I did, as I heard the news.. I am sure if you are my generation…you remember it as well… but we are close to having it …just in history books to be forgotten, like Pearl Harbor.

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