Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Playing the “who is that” game.

Playing the “who is that” game.

You know when you are at the grocery store or the mall or some other pubic gathering place., someone comes up and starts taking to you. They talk to you like a long lost friend.. You know they know you, because the subjects are applicable. But after they leave ,you look at your spouse and say… who was that?  The “who is that” game starts.. 

I have even tried using questions.. like how are your kids?  In hopes he or she will mention a child I will remember. Or what have you been up to.. that is a better one, as I am hoping that I will recognize a job, or place or mutual friends.

The King was pretty good at it.. .. it was me who mostly asked the question.. So I depended on him for the answers… But lately, he is getting as bad as me…
Because I will say… “who was that?” and he will answer
Darn if I know or I don’t have a clue..   

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