Monday, January 10, 2022

Still hanging in there .... after all these years..

Still hanging on in there…. 

For the past week… we have been pushing, snowblowing, shoveling… SNOW..  WAY TOO MUCH SNOW..

We all woke up Friday morning to 11 inches or more new snow…. I say new snow, because before I went to bed, I had cleared the whole deck.. completely and it was NOT SNOWING.

I woke to this… 

No, school of course, some employees could not make it into their jobs.

And this, by the way, is the day after we paid $80 to have snow shoveled off of our lean to roofs… 

And in stead of singing “achy breaky heart….  We are singing achy breaky backs… and leg muscles and arm muscle..  Even the hot tub did not relieve.  But did dull it some.

Saturday brought some thaw… but when you have over 4 foot of snow in your yard, some how that is not much relief.

Our 4 foot fence in the front yard is sticking out about 6 inches now.

And believe it or not… the sound of THUD, THUD, THUD is a welcome sound.. meaning snow is sliding off the roof.

The King has been pulling the ice edging off as best as he can with the snow rake.  But some of the roof is hanging on to it, like blanket in a cold winter night.  

We have had a lot of new people moving in from California, Neveda, and Texas… wonder how they are feeling about the snow..  The first couple of snows, around Christmas, they were oh, and ahing… about the beauty of it all… 

But I am sure that the neighbors telling them, they better get the snow off of the roof (that is now 4 or more feet high) before it collapses… isn’t exactly what they want to hear. Especially when they hiring some of the local boys at the tune of $35 and hour and up.  And some how shoveling hasn’t improved their attitude towards the beauty of the snow.


And to add to this?  Well, the passes to our area, are all closed.  Snowqualie between us and Seattle,  Lookout Pass between us and Montana are all CLOSED… not only closed but closed for DAYS…  what does that mean?  No shipments of products to stores… so the shelves are empting…  No car parts for the cars who crashed in the snow.  Groceries are starting to show bare shelves..

But by Monday we should be getting semi’s coming from Seattle..  bet there are over 100 on the West side of the pass.

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