Monday, February 21, 2022

Things that I shouldn’t do….

Things that I shouldn’t do….

I found out Sunday… do not pop gum in your mouth when you are singing in church…  1. as you pop it in. the song might be in the deep breathe part and you end up gagging on it. … and   2… with dentures, it gets stuck to the roof of your mouth…  And you looks totally demented,  trying to run your tongue over it, to get it to roll over and over so you can manage it, so you can swallow it… AND yes, I swallow gum, have since I figured out that my mother didn’t know what she was talking about….  When she told my brother and I, that if we did swallow the gum, it would stick our belly button up against our back bone..  Lies parents tell their kids.

The other thing I found out is… head banging…. (the thing that the younger crowd does, as they listen to their music while in their cars) ….. is not for the elderly.. At least according to the looks of that crowd when they see us grey/white hairs doing the same.  While head banging to IN THE NAVY… I happen to look at the car next to me.. seeing a younger generation, with a horror look on their faces… and a look of wondering if I was having a seizure…..   I just smiled.. and kept on…. Rocking on, baby.. .     


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