Tuesday, May 31, 2022

BEST LAID PLANS… etc etc..


May 31, 2022

BEST LAID PLANS… etc etc..

So here we went into the 3 day weekend. 

And the weather did not co-operate…

Grandson came down with a cold/nasal infection…

So Friday.. the King took the day off..  A day that started out with sunshine…  so he went up in the hills to find mushrooms..  wild ones..  And lucky for me.. he knows the difference from the poison ones and the edibles. So he had a nice day with his friend.. walking the hills. He did go up further than they planned and was shocked to see one of their areas had 6 FEET of SNOW!!  And it was slim pickings below.   So they will try mid June to see if it is better. 

The weekend wasn’t a lost as he and I did get boards replaced where we had some dry rot.  Taking our time.. doing 6 hour days.    Also had a good friend who ended up in the hospital over night.. so went and got her and took her home and ran to the pharmacy and picked up her meds. She is doing ok now..  last report.  Nothing drastic, but not have any good stable answers either.

So today, being the last day of May, we will get some more boards up.. Then it is peeling time for the under part of the over hang of the roof..  That need peeling and then painting. And then we get to wrap it..  That will be wonderful…  as the next step after that is.. putting up the metal.. and we will feel like we are on the down hill side of this project.   But patience..  patience.. I keep telling myself. Hope you all had a great 3 days weekend.

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