Monday, August 22, 2022

Happy Birthday Aunt Jo


 Happy Birthday Aunt Jo

Today Josephine Brownell.. better known as Aunti Jo

To me…  would have been 96… Over the years she has always be a young… what ever the year was.

It was just the last year or two that she gave up driving.. But still young at heart.

While I didn’t call her a lot.. I am going to miss her. I will miss at the end of each month, printing out my blog and mailing it to her.   I found years ago, that she was saving my blog. My brother and his wife went to visit her and saw a large box with papers stacked in it.. and she told them, it was my blog .. that she was saving it..   I would guess she would have gave it up, as she would have had a huge box of them by now.. or multiple boxes.. as it is over 16 years of them now. And in the beginning I use to write every day.. 7 days a week. Then I dropped it to Monday thru Friday.. and then about 5 years ago, down to twice a week.

She and her girlfriends over the years have read them… and for the life of me, I don’t see what they saw in it.

Now I will be printing out for her friend Regina, unless I get Regina lined out with seeing weekly on line, as Regina does have a computer.  Where Jo didn’t .. which was kind of ironic as she use the typewriter for years in her work for the government. Don’t know why she never transferred over to the computer.. after she retired and they came into play.

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear sweet AUNTIE JO.. hope you are in the arms of your life time love.. Herbie.. and smiling and joking with your brothers, and who ever else you see..  maybe Lucy.. or even my folks and brother..  But GOD BLESS.. love and miss you, for sure.

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