Monday, October 10, 2022

What food do you eat different than others do?

What food do you eat different than others do?

As a kid, mom made peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.   (that is marshmallow crème to others) also she made peanut butter and relish sandwiches. Have not come across anyone else who has eaten them, except a guy who was raised in Mass.

Also I was not big on veggies as a kid.  Oh, I ate them.. in our household, you ate what ever is on the plate. Already told you about the days of eating liver and I still don’t to this day.  But sure ate it then.. and if I didn’t finish it for dinner, there it was on the plate for breakfast and lunch and dinner again.. until it was gone.. There is no way to make liver edible   Not ketchup nor mustard helped.

But one of my favorites, thanks to my dad… is BEETS.. with -- hand on to your hats….  With mayonnaise on it. Because that is the way Dad ate it.. and my Dad was my hero.. so what every he did .. was top drawer…   Well, kind of.. because he loved liver…  but I forgave him that transgression.

So even today, I love beets with mayonnaise.  But I also like pickled beets.

Funny how when you are a kid you don’t like certain things and then love them later in life.. like black olives..   loved the green ones, but really didn’t like the black ones. Now I love them.. by themselves, in Mexican food and of course pizza.


But still never have changed my mind about LIVER.. UGH!!!

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