Monday, December 19, 2022

Heading downhill on the year…

Heading downhill on the year…

The physical therapy is going well… and the snow shoveling has lightened up…  for now..  But sadly there is reports of some more coming in.. Did get an inch yesterday.. After the past two weeks.. this was easy and it is light.

The King yelled over to me last week..  well, do you want to good news or the bad news…..  which my answer is, the bad news (to get it over with) and he said.. that is good because there is no good news…. The bad news is…THE SNOW BLOWER JUST BLEW UP…   My answer was.. you have no idea how bad of news that is… because the worse news is.. I am betting there is not a snow blower in town for sale.. And sure enough, our travels to each and ever place in town was NO.. NONE… and worse, they aren’t getting anymore.. and the one who said they were, said they had no idea how long it would be, if in fact they could get them.   Not even have one or any of the stores able to order one for us.   So that sent us to online.  I only could find one place that had 3 left … from a trust worthy company…as I check the reviews.... was Jack’s small motors…  IN MARYLAND!!! It said free shipping..  to make a long story shorter… we got a fair price  BUT.. it was the add on’s that killed us..  First was a lift charge.. that meant shipping it to us with a lift gate truck.. as it weighs in at 400 pounds.. that was $52…ok, not too bad.. but then the killer but we still ordered it.. was the free shipping to IDAHO is not possible.  That will cost an additional $300!!! They were paying for part of it.. and that was our share. We could cancel if we wanted to, they said, and they would understand…  but we have no other option.. so we bit the bullet.. and said yes.. AND God willing we will have a new one on December 22.  Figures crossed.. and etc.. 


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