Monday, November 06, 2023



Here we go..  the ending of the year.. only 55 days left..  /summer is history..  fall is disappearing with lots of rain..  Hunting season is starting to fade away..  One comes the big last of 2023 holidays.

Thanksgiving and Christmas…   I look forward to Thanksgiving..but not so much Christmas…

Daylight saving was yesterday..  and as usual I went around about noon on Saturday and changed 90% of the clocks..  this year the King didn’t throw a fit..  He actually helped me do the taller ones..  We went to bed watching the end of a show, that ends at 9pm in the summer.. and the clock was reading 7:20pm.  Up yesterday morning and it was daylight..  that won’t last for long..   And of course it is about 4 something and it is getting dark in the afternoon.  

As the year winds down, I think back at what we have done this year..and it seems to be .. not much.  Guess this would be the year… so far.. of service..  Meaning helping others.  The King lost one of his best friends in July..  So we were helping him as he found out he was dying.. Going to the Dr. to find out why he felt so bad.. and falling… to be transferred to the hospital and then another one… and then that Dr. giving him 4 to 6 weeks..  and us watching as the air left his body with the news.. And in 5 weeks he was gone..  Then the King kicked in with service for his son.. He lives in a different state, so the King shut down his dad’s place..  putting cables across the driveway…  and now waiting for the probate to finish… some time this winter.  Then next year, going to help him get rid of all the stuff on the land..  So the son can deal with what he can.. 

In the meantime, I am babysitting what I call GGboy.. or GGboys..  that is our great grandsons who live local.  While Mom has gone to part time work.. I have been filling in.  The oldest is in school, so that is only on early out day, that I have him..  the little dude is here on Tuesdays and Thursdays… 

All thru this.. we got called out.. to help others..  one had an accident… another went in for surgery..  another needed help with his hay for 2 months…  I told the King..  you know… we can’t die… He said.. what do you mean by that?   I told him, because everyone seems to rely on us to help… ha ha… 

So with hoping these last two months of this year.. we are hoping for good health.. calm times even tho the world is not… and time to enjoy our friends… and family…

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