Once again.. dancing as fast as I can
We are in the mode of helping family.. which usually runs into what I call the DANCING AS FAST AS I CAN.. MODE..
This time it is rotation of
vehicles.. giving mine to our
granddaughter so hers can be fixed.. Now
we have to hit the pro’s as the guys can’t figure out why it chose to run some
times and not other.. Ruling out bad
battery, it is not.. bad connections to the battery.. it is not.. So today, her car goes in to the
shop.. So yesterday the King traded out
cars, so she can get the boys to school and her to work.. while the car is in the shop.
In the meantime the brakes
have gone out in our big truck.. so appt. for it is on Thursday.. After having it the shop last week, for
transmission flush that was due.. Plus
picking up boys ..from school.. making
sure Dad picks them up and brings them back the following day.. So Mom can get them to the next program..
On top of all this.. we are
dealing with dr. and hospitals and etc..
phone calls going back and forth.. as THE KING twisted his back 2 weeks
before Christmas.. Only to find out he
can’t get an MRI until he has a Xray..
according to insurance rules.. Which by the way they advertise on TV… no
referrals needed.. you know the ad
where the woman is at the dr. and he ask
her why she was there.. she said to get a referral.. he says she doesn’t need
one.. she says “yes, I do” after 3 rounds of that… he says, “with PACIFIC
SHE SAYS… I don’t have Pacific Source, so I do have to have a referral.. and
then the ad goes on to repeat that..
THEY LIED… The King needed not only a referral.. but he needed a Xray
one first before they would consider a MRI.. all of this we found out 4 days of
going down to the hospital.. and then
phone calls. Then going down to the dr. office getting the referral from the
dr. and back to the hospital to be told that is fine.. but we need the
insurance co .. ok..but they would contact the dr. office to get that.. and get
back to him.. they didn’t .. he called. Finally it came down the line..
Xray first. And yes. Go get it NOW.. 15 minutes before they closed …with the
slowest check in clerk ever, before he can actually go to the xray dept.. Trying to keep him calm as he is upset at
the slowness… I asked her, if I could
stay and do the paper work and let him go.. NOPE. Got a routine.. going with the routine.. HUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. FINALLY..
the paper work is done.. AND I,
the old nurses aide who never dies.. took him on the faster wheelchair
ever to get to the dept. Have to wait
until today.. for Dr. report.. but Nurse
did l tell him, when he called AGAIN.. it involves his L 3 L4
SO… TODAY .. is my husband waiting for a call from the dr. to find out what to do now? MRI?… physical therapy? Or what? And also waiting to hear what is wrong with the granddaughter’s car and please LORD.. have it be less than $500..
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