Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Second over blown day of the year

Second over blown expensive day of the year.
Christmas being the first one.

Each year there is the day of guilt… Guilt because you have to prove to some one who says they love you… that you love them. The one who gets the dirty end of the stick is the guys. I mean.. the words should be enough. And to be honest with you.. don’t know why we need a special day.  But to have a guy feel guilty that he didn’t say it enough, didn’t say it convincing enough, that he has to give gifts.  Jewelry, fly the gal away for a special place, is the high end. But flowers are pretty spendy as well… If you are lucky you might get off with a card and flowers or candy or both.

Yes, I am talking about Valentine’s Day. Tell me, what do women get the men?  Boyfriend .. husband?  Does he get a new car from her? Or a set of expensive tools? A diamond ring? Or necklace? Or taken out to a very expensive restaurant? That the women pays the bill? None of the women I know do that. I sure the heck didn’t do that. Ever.

And for those who have read my blog over the years, know how I feel about it. I am not a candy person..  And my husband KNOWS not to buy me flowers. Why should he pay $40 to $60 for a dozen roses that he can buy any other time for $9.95?  Rip off…

So what do we do.. well, if we think about it.. and happen to walk by a card display of Valentines card, we pick one out … and give it to the other to read.. and that is what cards we do.. and then we put them back.. After all, what the heck are you going to do with the card after? I have about 10 or more cards somewhere.. with my cards from my kids for birthdays and etc.  And then we buy some stuff to make a dinner together at home. That is it folks.

See he gives me flowers during the year.. when he sees I have had a rough time.. or just because he saw them and thought of me.. “just because flowers”.. Which is the very best of all.. and they don’t cost an arm and a leg.  And we tell each other every day.. at least once but more than likely about 4 or 5 times a day, that we love each other.  Be it on the phone before we say good bye.. when one of us leaves the house with out the other, and some times.. just come up and hug each other and say it.

So what do we need a day to make us guilty? Because with my husband.. I never feel guilty nor does he feel guilty that we don’t say it enough. We KNOW the other one loves just as much as the other.

So count us out.. we don’t need any one or company to do it for us. 

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