Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Lot's wife

Lot’s wife

Genesis 19:26 King James VersionLot’s wife, alone of the four fugitives, disobeyed the angel’s warning and looked back at the destruction of the doomed city. As a result, she “became a pillar of salt”

I am beginning to feel like Lot’s wife..  scared to look back…  The difference would be she looked back at a sinful town… that was about to be destroyed.

Where as I am looking back at once was.  Where people ..  at least most of them.. were kind to each other.  Were concerned about others health.. and welfare (not the system, but of health) …   Where woman didn’t HAVE to work to keep a household going.  Where things were not fake.  Be it the news or otherwise.   Where children were safe in schools, and people were safe in churches.

I am not saying there were not bad people.. after all .. way back we had Al Capone and the rest of those type. We had bank robbers and murders… But it was hardly a person who knew such people.  And everyone was busy just trying to make a living and have some joy in life.

So as I look back, will I turn into a statue of salt?

And looking forward doesn't look better....as everything that I held dear, to be true...... is no longer true... 

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