Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Another round with stones… stones stones… got to love them ..

Another round with stones… stones stones… got to love them ..


NOT kidney stones..   I wonder, is it mostly or all men who get them?  I don’t want to challenge karma by a long shot, so won’t make any humor out of this..  Not after seeing my husband, THE KING fight a good fight 3 times..  I sure the heck don’t want any.

The other two were durable… went to the dr. got meds, and a few days later .. wa la… gone…. Damn right painful..but gone.


One of them at Silverwood…… which reminded me of the show called Senfield.  Don’t know if you ever saw the show.. but the character Kramer had kidney stones..  and near the end, he was at a circus, with trapeze performers…. He got up to go to the bathroom and then you heard a scream.. which went thru out the building and the trapeze performers fell off of the tightrope.   Well, the King was not that bad.. but was kind of close… 


This time it is kicking butt.. been to the dr. and got meds.. still hell. Get a ultrasound the dr. said..  It was late when we got out of the dr. office, so he said they will call in the am..  by 9am no one called. So got the Dr. office.. they said to call the hospital.. because they were just sending over the order..  The hospital gal, said.. 3 pm TOMORROW… The King is not happy… but it is what it is.. so we or rather he, is enduring …


Ah, the senior citizen social hours… most call them dr. appointment… first time I heard of it was from my dear aunt.  And now we are old enough to understand.. 

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