Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Rainy days and Rainy nights..

Rainy days and Rainy Nights..  Wasted days and Wasted nights….  You are the reason why we are so blue……

Seems to be our song of late.  Seems like God is going to make sure we take this remodel slooooooooooooowly….

But I am grateful for Sunday…  as my mother use to say.. this too shall pass. 

We can find other things to do.  And if the weather does change in the afternoon…  we can paint the windows frames to the same color as the trim.    For one job that is still to be done. 

We also have a back yard by the back gate loaded with all kinds of bush to take to the dump.  Having to cut a lot off of our snowball bush… we have a lot.  Don’t know what hit my bush but it is killing a lot of it.   But one project at a time.


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