Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Ok, so let’s do talk about God…


May 2, 2023

Ok, so let’s do talk about God…..

Over the years I have tried to be respectful of others religion.. no matter what it is..  whether I like it or not.. or any other remarks of negativity to them.  Learn it is hard sometimes.. especially when your child decides to follow one that you are not fond of.

Even if I think they are misguided…. And I am sure they think I AM  misguided..  I try to be respectful of them and think the best …   Just because it is not the way I LOOK at God..  does not mean they are wrong.

I am glad they have someone in their lives that they believe in.. and hope and pray that theirs while might be contrary to mine.. I pray theirs isn’t about killing those of other religions.

I have read there are several that do believe that.. Which I think is so sad… as no matter who their God is.. it shouldn’t be about others dying … because it is not theirs.

I think we pretty much believe that God is God.. no matter how you think God thinks. Or acts..  He is OUR GOD.. 

No matter what the name you use..  Grandfather and so many more that the Native American use..  Yahweh, Jehovah  and I am not even going to try to say I know all the names used by all people. be they Jewish. African or any other place.. Even in the United states there are many names.. to refer to their God.  

I am just glad they have someone to depend on… someone to talk to, some one to help them thru heavy times..    I guess I think of it in the way..  I never tell another person they have to believe as I do..  I would never push my religious thoughts or way on another. Every one is entitle to their God..  And when ASKED to share those thoughts.. but not get angry because the person doesn’t believe that way…And if they don’t ask.. let it go..   I guess the bottom line is..  YOU SHOULD HAVE RESPECT for ALL person’s religious ways…and WE also should not put pressure or shame on anyone take them think the way we do. 

So enjoy life..  may YOUR God… help you thru the bad times as well as the good.  And for those who don’t believe..  I find that sad..   as we all need someone to lean on..  may you too, have some one..  

And I chose to believe he is a loving God...  all of them.   And in these days and age..  we totally need someone to lean on....






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