Monday, April 08, 2024

Are you home?

Are you home? 

Are you home, watching the sun and moon? Do you have your glasses? 

Two things.. first, here in Northern Idaho, we will only get a very small glimmers of it, if even that… Even southern Idaho won’t get much..  AND THEN  if it is like the Northern Lights.. it will be a foggy, over cast day and we will see NOTHING…

So I am going to wait until the news comes on at 5 and watch it there.. as it should be on ALL of them. and who knows what other programs will have it.. 

Besides when was the last one? 2017? I think they said.. That too was a dud here in Idaho.. 

I just can’t get into traveling hundreds of miles to get a half an hour show.  The money you spend.. and we all know gas is far from cheap.. then you better get your camping gear out, because you are going to be sleeping on the ground somewhere safe..  As every hotel … motel and such will be full.

Nope, I am good..  watching the news after the fact..  Just like last time.



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