Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Respect… giving as well as taking

Respect…  giving as well as taking

Why does the human race think their opinion is the only one, to be honored. Every one has an opinion.  A good share of them. have no tolerance for those opinions of others..   be it of the same mind or not.. Especially if not.

For the past 20 years this has been raging..  And even more in the past 8.

Some out shout others to get their opinion hear and then will not listen to the other opinion.   They want respect for their opinion, yet roll their eyes and again try to out shout the others.

And some don’t care what you think.. they do not think about how the other side might have  a reason for this … The latest is the man who is running for Vice President on the Republican side.  His snide remarks about woman who do not have children.. and adding to the snide remark was how they grow old and become cat ladies..   a woman who does not produce children is a worthless human being. 

There are many reason’s why woman don’t have children.  No patience, Do want to have a career, just the same as a man..   You do know, we women do have rights to pick out what kind of life we want..  just as men have.. But even more hurtful of his remark… and he has no qualms about it…   Some women CAN NOT HAVE CHILDREN!!   Not every woman can have children..  So what is his answer to that..  Oh, I bet..   adoption.  Wonder if that is ok with him. Or will he downgrade the woman who put the child up for adoption     ADOPTION is a wonderful thing for those who can’t and yet want a family.  So step up to the plate to raise another person’s child for what ever reason.. Hopefully with love.

As much as it upset me at first when he stated such an opinion… I had to remind myself,  he is entitled to his opinion and to run his life as he so desires. And if he finds a woman who believes the same..  then so be it. It is their opinion.. But to make pubic remarks about other women.. To down grade them.. is irresponsible. And disrespectful. 

I look back at my life..  being born in the 1940’s where women were thought to only have the mentality to be a mother, and wife.. Nothing else.  Yet when World War II came along.. who did the factories hire?  SURPRISE a lesser mentality  woman..  Who would figure that Rosie Riveter would do such a great job..  But then it was back home.. when the men return. 

Then as it hit the teens and 20’s .. Women started to feel that there were more to life than cleaning house.   Some of them can run a company. Can weld… can be mechanic’s..  To start a new company that wasn’t thought about by a man.   Women were coming into their own..  And those who were dumped so quickly when there was responsibility to be had in the family… that men decided THEY wanted more than raising a family and LEFT.  The women pulled up their big girl pants.. They found job.. Some of them, thoughtless jobs as waitresses, bartender, nurses aides…  the low side of the income..  Some got two jobs to raise their children.. AND THEY DID WELL. And then some of them .. while working.. raising their children.. went back to school to get a better education..    There were women who fought for others to get better pay.  To get promotions, that only men were entitled to.

As the saying went…WE HAVE COME A LONG WAY, BABY…

Some where along about 8 years ago.. women have recessed… Not staying with the program they thought they wanted.   Some even sold out to men.. Yet some of those men wanted her to work to bring in money for the family.. so he could get a better education.. How many women was the main support for men who were going to college to become lawyers, or doctors..  and then to be dumped when he got the degree.   80% of them.

So if you want to buy into Mr. Vance way of life..  so be it..  go for it.. But respect the rest of us who DO NO BUY  into that kind of life.  If that is for you..   we respect you enough to not tell you are wrong..  and we will not diss you for choosing that way.  So be respectful of those of us…who want more.


  Betty Friedan. and her group must be rolling in their graves with anger..



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